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Anyone who has to look up the word "idiot" in an urban dictionary to find out what it means.

You are an idiot.

by Urbandictionaryuser123 June 7, 2015

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Bryant; Alex

"Wow, you don't know what 2+2 is... You're such an idiot"

by MichelleStarr October 15, 2014

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Jimmy Maher.

Jimmy Maher is a dumbass, idiot.

by lizz4u<3 April 11, 2010

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The person who made the definition for hunter jumper.

They clearly have no idea what they are talking about and, as such they have made themselves look like a fool. An idiot is someone who thinks that they know everything about everything and doesn't take the time to get the facts straight. Therefore, when they go spouting out information that is wrong and others know the true facts, the speaker looks like a complete and utter imbecile.

The person who made the definition for hunter jumper is an idiot because they clearly know nothing about it.

by KNW December 6, 2007

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idiot light

The green coloured indicator on a motorcycle. Which informs the rider, they are in the "Neutral" gear, when lit.

"Dude...Why's my bike not moving?"

"Of COURSE it's not moving, STUPID! Your 'idiot light' is on!"

by D. Gould January 28, 2006

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Neon Idiot

Someone so stupid, they stand out in a crowd, like something neon.

Guy 1: Did you see Matt fall up the stairs?
Guy 2: He is such a neon idiot.

by lcjjcl May 13, 2013

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stupid idiot


Kathleen is a stupid idiot.

by poopy79795 May 31, 2019

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