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long bone

When you are stretched out horizontally to the max.

Look at that cat! He is a long bone!

by Kpaine February 7, 2016

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bone babe

Women who carry the University of Minnesota Marching Band on their shoulders. The most beautiful, talented and funny members of the band.

The bone babes performed so well at halftime; the whole band bowed and worshiped them.

by averagejulia007 March 1, 2011

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Off the bone

Adj. When something is crazy and a bit wild, normally referring to a good thing.

"Dude did you go to that party last night?"

"Yeah man, it was off the bone!"

by Good Vibrations September 14, 2009

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herring bone

1 The Gait of a person who has an itchy anus.
2 The feeling of a fishbone stuck in your sphincter after having to nip one off early and failing to wipe your ringbox adequately in order to catch a bus.

"ayup have you seen how our Sara's walking? She looks like shes got a herring bone stuck in her ringpiece"

by Lord Harworth August 2, 2006

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prone to bone

describes a person that looks attractive; somebody with whom one would like to have sexual intercourse

I don't care if she's 52 years old-- Sheryl Crow is prone to bone.

by Uncle Snake December 13, 2014

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Bone chilling

The act in which someone jacks off and puts there boner in the freezer to cool it off.

Jack: "Man I was bone chilling for an hour last night."

by Raistlin16 January 24, 2011

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Lazy Bones

An adjective used to describe when one is too tired to be bored and yet too bored to be tired.

I'm lazy bones

by ZDBray December 18, 2014

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