The act of a man directing lesbian sex
"Imma teach you Lesbian Dance Theory"
"Yeah, now grab her ass, like that. Yeah..."
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Critical Race Theory (CRT) is the latest neoracist concept used to justify the authority of a small cabal of academics who will save the world from end stage capitalism by using race struggle instead of class struggle. History shows whites built systematic racism. Therefore, only whites can dismantle the systematic racism they built by replacing it with systematic white saviorism. The altruistic tendency of the Abrahamic religions and the majority feminine electorate are exploited to justify redistribution of wealth and opportunity based on race rather than (the Marxist) need or (the Capitalist) ability. CRT gives a new urgency to classical Marxist ideas that previous generations of workers dismissed as broken promises.
Other neo racist tools in CRT are:
1) Hierarchy of race and government benefits are ordered by level of historic oppression starting in the year 1600.
2) Denying CRT is proof of systematic racism. CRT states that ability is 100% equal between all races.
3) Equal opportunity is racist until all results are shown to be equal by race. Therefore, equal opportunity must be race based instead of class based. The rank of opportunity is from #1 above.
4) Harvard university created Eugenics and created CRT. That is not a coincidence. It is science.
5) Supporters of CRT are known as anti-racists. All labels of classical racist are canceled by the anti-racist label. However, a person can simultaneously be labeled anti-racist and neoracist at the same time.
Critical race theory gets to the heart of why racism gets votes for the last 400 years and will continue to get votes for the next 400 years.
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The theory that if a woman had sex with an guy who is ok at sex right after having sex with a midget, the sex will be even more amazing with the next normal guy. The big bang theory also has a sub theory that you must divide the seconds of sex by the midget's age and multiply that by two and add the number of the normal guy's age to get the "Fucking Density".
The Big Bang Theory explains the "Fucking Density" which is as follows:
30-midget's age
35-normal dude's age
500-seconds of sex with midget
500/30 x 2 + 35= 68.34
68.34 is the "Fucking Density" in this case.
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A string theory simulator is a string theory computer that permits the study of string theory systems that are difficult to study in physical experiments and on supercomputers, string theory simulators have the propose to enable experimentation of string theory in practice, since it is almost impossible to experiment string theory in practice.
Since we cannot actually study string theory on conventional physical experiments, the only hope we have to experiment string theory is on string theory simulators, and it will be good for study physical properties we can hardly study by conventional physical experiments and it might be the future of physical experiments.
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There are a bunch of disembodied dicks and assholes floating in the sky and they are fucking so fast that the air around it absorbs the energy, forming the image of a cloud. Except all the assholes are yours.
Look at that cloud!
Yeah, I know about atmospheric absorption theory.
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Cock shed theory
my theory is that the cock and balls are a second type of skin second to the skin we normally have which is more delicate so that we can feel pleasure during sexual intercourse (which is why fondling with balls during oral is a known move since the balls are more delicate than the cock) so when shampoo or body wash is used aggressively on the cock and ball skin it starts to become swollen. It becomes swollen because it is an unsafe substance when used in large amounts on a delicate part of the body. After that the cock and balls can't take it anymore and try to make new skin. Which is why my dick was molting during the hot Sudanese summer of 2017.
You hear about Jeb? He said he tested out the Cock Shed Theory and it ended up happening to him too.
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When a muffin get pressed into the shape of a cookie and you realise that we have been cheated all along. Muffins are just fat cookies.
Mueid: Muffins are not found they are flat.
Boye: We should only sell flat muffins. Same muffin less area.
Claudia: That looks like somebody stepped on shit.
Mueid: But it's very tasty. A flat muffin is just a cookie but soft. That is the flat muffin theory. We have been eating fat cookies all along.
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