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big john

big john aka the fuck god . this man will fuck just about anything living he is the living breathing sex toy he consits of putting his jon dom on and spuffing in it then making you bite his pincher off whilst screamy spuff in my ars

i want to be a big john

by mr burr April 19, 2017

27๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

John the Baptist

Charismatic New Testament bible prophet. Named John at birth son of Zacharias and Elisabeth; he baptized Jesus Christ.

Baptized people to repentance with water at the Jordan river and was beheaded by King Herod Antipas.

John the Baptist ate locusts and wild honey.

by thedzone October 3, 2009

25๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

elton john

One of the greatest musicians EVER. Criticized by closed minded idiots because of his sexuality. Has made AWESOME songs like "Rocket Man" and "Tiny Dancer". Elton John rocks.

Elton John sung Rocket Man. 'Nuff said.

by SuperSonicX September 18, 2005

709๐Ÿ‘ 256๐Ÿ‘Ž

john prescott

Class hating northern twat.

Hates anyone who has money or tries to better themselves, believes he is a man of the people !!

Yeah, John the only people you represent are beer swilling embittered failures who resent everyone else who got up of their arses and got a real job.

Abject failure in every politic task he has been given.

Integrated Transport Policy - Total Fuck Up

More Homes in the South East - Total Fuck Up

More Rights to Pikey Scum - success

Oh Well thats all right then !!!

by Bonnie Bert May 3, 2005

256๐Ÿ‘ 86๐Ÿ‘Ž

John Wayne

The penultimate Western actor who kicks ass! He is also famous for his radical, ridiculous right-wing politics.

John Wayne is kick ass.

by Gdiddy361 December 8, 2004

250๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž

john fite

Purveyance of knowledge to the unenlightened.

If your passing garbage off as fact , prepare for John Fite.

by Jgdadde December 20, 2016

10๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Snicker John

The act of Sexual Intercourse

We he he, I got me some Snicker John last night!

by gunnbot January 27, 2008

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