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pangea nipples

Two nipples so large that they form one giant nipple

I really liked her but those Pangea nipples were just too big.

by Madbo November 28, 2020

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Nipple Finder

A Nipple Finder is someone who helps people find their nipples for them when they can't do it themselves.

"Man I had to hire a professional nipple finder to help me find my nipples for me, I had thought I lost them, turns out, they were on my chest!"

by IrreverentIzzy February 10, 2017

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Nipple Grass

The hair of either a man or woman's nipple area, usually on the rim

"Dude that guy was so hairy!"

"Ya man did you see his nipple grass!"

by zackie brew January 8, 2009

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Nipple Road

The true way to have a very "bumby" ride.

I rode down the nipple road as the nipples on the street swayed in the breeze.

by Vandalistrun April 26, 2016

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mexican nipple

A strange portuguese man

Hey Jamie, I really wish that Mexican Nipple would leave me alone.

by Snoop Froggy Frogg December 18, 2015

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Stunt Nipple

The introduction of a "nipple double" for use in any production requiring "action nipples" where animation or CGI is impossible (i.e. the actor/actress is prudish). Also used as stand-in during tedious hours of make-up or filming. These roles go to faceless beauties who appear in films, but remain mostly anonymous.

Julie Strain performed stunt nipple for Geena Davis' breasts (and other body parts) in Thelma & Louise.

"Hey, we gotta film this purple nurple scene; somebody bring in that stunt hipple!"

by mungbean4u1 August 18, 2011

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icey nipple

this is when you coat your nipples in orange juice and stick them in the freezer for an extended period of time. usually done for portable nipple pops.

im pretty sure no ones actually done this before. but i have to include the word icey nipple other wise they wont let me use this example.

by mrsexynips September 20, 2013

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