Source Code

Pumpa Slap

A Pumpa slap is were you slap somone who either adding insult to injury you or jus annoys you, before you slap them say "IM GUNNA PUMPA SLAP YOU BLED"

dave : " hahaha, u failed ur exams"


by PeRU.graff September 23, 2009

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table slapping

The act of dick slapping a person on the table while ejaculating thus lauching cum everywhere

Man after sex we where table slapping

by That512life February 9, 2015

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Bong Slap

v. To hit somebody with a bong.

Mario would not shut up so Michael threatened to bong slap him.

by magikoopa May 26, 2009

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stank slap

When a bitch swipes her hand on her pussy, pulls it out, and slaps a bitch.

this bitch was hitting' on my man, I walked up and stank slapped her. "Eat that"

by Bitch slapper November 17, 2013

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Slap of the nut

used to enquire if anyone is interested in going for a kick of the football (AFL or soccer).

Damo: Hey Simo whats up?
Simo: Nah not much you?
Damo: How about we go for a slap of the nut?
Simon: yeah sweet I'll ask Robbie also

by SimCouta February 23, 2011

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Rascal Slap

to be slaped silly, in conjunction with the word PWEND

If you keep talking while the movie is on im going to rascal slap the shit out of you.

by Mike Zislis May 27, 2007

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cort slap

It is a slap to the back as hard as u can that leaves the receiver in immense pain and sometimes causes them to fall and not get up

Do u want to be cort slapped?

by oooooooooofffffffffffff June 24, 2018

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