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Vancouver Island MusicFest

Bizarre yet beautiful Vancouver Island musical gathering with 6 stages over 250 musicians and 1000 wild and wooley volunteers where helicopter dancers flourish, teens come of age, generations of families camp and play and hang out together, babies get conceived in droves and campers delicately balace sleep deprivation, high levels of beer intake and a blissful euphoria that comes with hearing some of the best music on the planet!

Vancouver Island MusicFest is the most awesome event I've ever been to.

by Ms. Vera Lynn February 20, 2010

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Staten Island Douchebag

Staten Island Douchebag - AKA - SIDB
The definition of the large majority of young men and women from 16-30 years who live repetative, shallow lives that make up Staten Island.
SIDB's usually consist of dudes who:
- Get their nails and eyebrows done.
- Go to tanning salons.
- Drive their dad's expensive car.
- Have some kind of rediculously spikey hair style or a "fauxhawk"
- Wear tight jeans, pop their stupid collars up and love fist pumping in a bar or club.
- Take steriods and love cocaine.
- Very wiggerish.
- Enjoy freestyle and hip-hop music.
- In the gym they take up machines because they are more busy looking at their muscles, tanlines and talking on their cell phones.
- Were probably the most popular in high school so they live off that reputation till they are 25 and most likely will never amount to anything unless they are handed a job by a successful relative.
- Usually are loud mouthed 3rd or 4th generation Italian-Americans who know a friend, who knows a guy, who's uncle is connected, therefore they believe they are connected.
- Would never fight you unless 10 or 15 of his "boys" are around and you're by yourself.
- Probably are, were or want to pose for the FDNY calendar.
- Good chance fucked one of his male friends.
- Are the main reason the people at the Jersey Shore hate New Yorkers.

SIDB usually consist of girls who:
- Have orange face.
- Have the brightest teeth you ever seen.
- Put their hair in that stupid poof thing like paris hilton or gwen stefani.
- Are too good to drink beer.
- Usually are in credit card debt.
- Got fake tits or german automobile on her sweet sixteen causing her parents to go into credit card debt.
- Usually her family moved from Brooklyn, into a condo or house with a 3 foot backyard.
- Works in a tanning salon or as a hairdresser, waitress or bartender because they went to Staten Island Community College or St.Johns Staten Island Campus for 1 semester and have no qualifications.
- Enjoy double parking and parking in firezones and handicap spots, then argue with cops when they get caught.
- Generally are spoiled rotten.
- Very cunty.
- Only reading they do is celebrity gossip magazines.
- Generally have filthy mouths but surprisingly they wont give head.

Guy #1 "Hey is that bar gonna be filled with Staten ISland Douchebags?"
Guy #2 "Yes"
Guy #1 "I'm not going then"

by M2million December 7, 2006

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Monstercock Islands

team name for intra-office festivities centered around Winter Olympics 2010

The Moose: "We need a team name for our office olympic team so we can win a 1/2 day off"

Ryan Curran: "Monstercock Islands"

by gina_va February 10, 2010

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Coney Island whitefish

An old expression for a used condom found on the beach

The beach has gotten so dirty you can't sit down without landing on a Coney Island whitefish.

by Andrea March 8, 2003

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Gullah Gullah Island

One of the first children's television show featuring minorities; blacks, to be more specific, who lived on an island with a giant yellow frog.

person one: Gullah Gullah Island was one of the first tv shows featuring minorities.

person two: did you have to say it so loud?

person one: i didn't realize that we were still afraid to use the word minority in this day and age.

by tubtito November 21, 2008

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Rhode Island Ripper

The ultimate version of the shocker. This sexual act involves using both fists in both the vaginal and anal opening, pushing both fists upwards opening the cavities. Creates the most intense orgasm (and intense pain for beginners) for females. End results often ends in pain and discomfort but with practice allows women to fully accept "super cocks"- penises belonging to endowed males starting as wide as a coke can.

Nurse: "I can't stop the bleeding doc."
Doc: "What happened here? Wait.. this looks like the Rhode Island Ripper."
Nurse "Ugh i should have known, i received that once. was the most intense orgasm ever but awful after effects. I can only fit a coke can now minimum in there to feel anything"

by Ben Jam'in' September 3, 2010

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staten island tuxedo

usually worn by old italian men and mostly in staten island (hence "staten island tuxedo", it consists of a velour track suit and bright white sneakers

hey look at the old guy who looks like he's in the mob, he's really rocking that staten island tuxedo.

by italianbella June 13, 2007

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