A term used to describe someone asking for another person to spread their legs, usually women.
"Open the Mailbox for me baby girl."
A 2020s zeitgeist Roman proverb to connote subaltern chimping
Person 1: Bro why do oppreshun olympians of all shades support Hamas in 2023?
Person 2: Because if you kang against Rome, you open door to Mecca
A 2020s zeitgeist Roman proverb
Person 1: Bro why do oppreshun olympians of all shades support Hamas in 2023?
Person 2: Because if you kang against Rome, you open door to Mecca
A 2020s zeitgeist Roman proverb
Person 1: Bro why do oppreshun olympians of all shades support Hamas in 2023?
Person 2: Because if you kang against Rome, you open door to Mecca
The butthole.
The opening of the anus.
Corn Chute, Turd Tunnel, Crap Cannon, Shit Shooter, Balloon Knot, Monkey Button, Portal to Paradise, Stink star, Hershey Highway, Shit Pit, Brown Eye, Chocolate Starfish, Rusty Bullet Hole, Rusty Sheriffs Badge.
Shaun: I was in the French Opening yesterday for my first time!
Kurt: Oh, I love tennis!
Shaun: No, I mean my boyfriends French Opening.
Getting ready, warming up, getting the blood (ketchup) flowing.
"Time to open the ketchup!