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Golden Shower

The act of urinating on another person for sexual excitement/pleasure.
Often derived from a fetish of peeing, especially from the sight of peeing or the sound of peeing or peeing on other people, or getting peed on, etc.

Dude #1: Dude, Jenny gave me the golden shower of life on Saturday night.
Dude #2: I bet you were drunk as shit.
Dude #1: No no no, we were sober but definitely horny. Couldn't resist it. It was life, bro.

by whats_yo_name_pussycat March 5, 2018

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Spring Shower

A Spring Shower is the act of pissing on your girls pussy to freshen up the tuna stank before you go down on her. Often this is done in a public venue where the vag is sweaty and stanking and running water isn’t available (IE. A concert, an outdoor wedding, a hay ride or even in a car with no air conditioning). Much like a quick spring shower rinses all the dust and pollen off of the ground, your spring stream rinses the oniony stink and fur berries off her fuzzy bits making it taste only slightly better.

R Kelly like dat peepee so much he be givin them a spring shower right out the shower!

by Mega Hemroids August 13, 2019

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Dutch Shower

Similar to Dutch Oven, the act of showering with another individual and cutting a hot one.

"i was showering with this girl the other day and i just had to fart. good thing she was into dutch showers"

by Johnnybertone October 18, 2011

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bum shower

A hand-held device used to clean ones anus with a jet of water after using the toilet.
Originating in India, this device is rapidly replacing the use of a mug for the same purpose.

Dave: Damn it, that burrito I ate gave me runny shits. I'll be leaving brows streaks in my underpants for a week now.
Kumar: Why not use a bum shower? It removes all fecal matter and leaves a minty-fresh aroma.
Dave: Great! I'll try it.
<Dave uses a bum shower>
Dave: Excellent! My ass is minty-fresh and my laundry bills will go down!

by Lord Ownage February 21, 2015

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brown shower

The act of spray farting on another. Often done when the person has diarrhea. Can be done in a sexual or hurtful way.

I gave the bitch a brown shower and then left her ass.

by Sir Banacheck September 24, 2006

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Fishermen Shower

When a fishermen sprays him self with cologne when out at sea because there isnt a shower on the boat. Same as Mexican Shower

I didnt have time for a shower before my date so i took a fishermen shower.

by Raziel April 14, 2003

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frat shower

The act of drinking beer while taking a shower. The ultimate multitask.

I was running late for the pregame so I took a frat shower.

by Tyler Forbes Mason December 3, 2010

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