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Fashion Stupid

When you knowledge of fashion is far below standard fashion or does not make any sense to the majority of people. Fashion that cannot be placed in the following categories The modern classic, The sporty natural, The funky urbanite, The trendy fashionista, The artistic eclectic, The bohemian hippi, or The rustic redneck.

Girl #1 "Did you see that dress that Debbie was wearing, with those shoes."
Girl #2 "She is so fashion stupid, some one should report her for being a fashion victim."

by Musashi78 October 2, 2013

oozing stupid

Oozing Stupid - when someone is so stupid it oozes out of them and into everything around them.

She is so dumb she is oozing stupid everywhere.

by DiKeich June 5, 2014

stupid haole

Someone who acts in a manner that it completely opposite to the traditional 'aloha style.A personality so foreign it can be mistaken for extraterrestrial activity.

Burning, looting , rioting , lawlessness,'gotta be the stupid haoles."

by BIGISLAND VIRAL September 7, 2020

Stupid monkey

A kid who can’t ever fucking shut up. Like, at all. Their insults are stupid things like “poo poo face” and other things that wouldn’t offend a first grader. They are the epitome of worthless.

Person one: oh my god shut uppppp. You are the definition of a stupid monkey.

Person two: oh my god I’m in the dictionary??

by angry and hungry August 15, 2020

Carry the Stupid

Finally take into account the one final factor that transforms your brilliant plan/strategy into the terrible idiotic clusterfuck that it truly is.

Anarch: …I may have made a slight error in my calculations.

Punchline: When you were adding the numbers up, did you remember to carry the stupid?

Anarch: YES! …no.

by tariqk December 6, 2021

Stupid Flu

When someone says an idiotic statement, and the "retardedness" spreads like the flu.

Did you catch the stupid flu or something?

Sorry, I caught the stupid flu, can't think properly right now.

*Dumb statement made*
You have stupid flu.

by afroazn March 17, 2011

Stupid Jimmie

A person who is lacking intelligence or common sense. Often used as being indifferent to a stupid person doing or saying something ridiculous or fool-hearty

Example 1
"I thought she was perfect but she claims this is not 10 inches... Wow, am I a stupid jimmie"

Example 2
"Hey stupid jimmie!! Your fly is open... again!!!"

Example 3
"Get out of the river you stupid jimmie!! The water is below freezing!!"

by LConners June 10, 2016