When a friend or a group of friends work together as a team to write a text message.
Steven: " I met this girl last night, and I want to text her but I don't know what to say"
John: " It's cool, we can do some team texting and come up with a good message."
Sending multiple text messages in a row... with no shame
How are you
I’m gonna get some sour patch kids
You know they have no calories?
Look it up
No lies
Here’s the link...
Whatcha doing?
Yes I am Jamie texting you
I don’t care
A text message that someone only sends so they can call you when you reply, because now they know your phone is in your hand.
I don’t want to reply to her yet, she always text traps me. Why do we need a 5 minute phone call about something I ALREADY ANSWERED IN MY TEXT?!
Don’t matter if it’s snapchat or texting it’s still toilet texting.
You’re totally toilet texting me!
Point reached after an exhausting amount of text communication that never leads to a higher form of interaction, like speaking on the phone or making plans to meet in person. Often inspired by breadcrumbers. Term for succinctly defining your boundary without having to write annoying long messages pleading your case.
Brad the breadcrumber texts you for the 1 millionth time trying to continue his shenanigans.
Response: “I’m sorry Brad, I’ve reached max-text.”
Brad has no choice but to graduate from his fingerpad.
When someone texts you, often about something important, you text them back, then…….SILENCE.
"I'm so over Jennifer. She's famous for text teasing. She always leaves me hanging with these super important texts, I respond right back, then NOTHING. I'm gonna start calling her out on it…"
A text message that is not understood by the recipient/s; due to spelling and formatting. Often containing anagrams that are uncommon and/or incorrect.
My brother sent me a TEXT GUESSAGE ...again, which made no sense to me because it was like reading Morse Code!!!