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New Vernon

one of the prettiest towns ever. New vernon is full of people with a lot of money but most of them are not snobby, everyone is friendly with each other. the homes in New Vernon are mostly very large with beautiful landscaping and fields and if you live there you spend a lot of time outdoors. Most of the people are christian and if your jewish then you dont really fit in because a lot of the people are religious in the catholic era. Children who live in new vernon usually go to a private school like Delbarton, Peck, Oak Knoll, Kent Place or Morristown Beard, new vernon is known for having some of the most athletic girls in the area. As i said before new vernon has some of the biggest houses but they are farm house looking and look gorgeous on the property. A lot of the time you see kids riding around on ATVs or Go karts because the properties are so big and if you dont you usually see a kid playing lacrosse with a friend or at least a lacrosse goal or pitchback in the back yard.

WOW look at that house...well duh were in New Vernon

by nvnj April 15, 2010

9👍 4👎

New Canaan

Town containing such memos like this

1. People who go on this site and think there big shots are queers

2. People who try to impersonate other people from New Canaan should learn to spell there names correctly (im pretty sure brendan mceneaney knows how to spell his own name)

3. People who go on here and make fun of a town that they live in for being too "white and preppy" are the biggest queers....you live in NC and as much degenerate as you think you are you couldnt survive in the "real world" as much as the next person so stop trying to act all poor and be grateful for what you have

Truth is New Canaan is as diverse as a KKK conference....the people who go on this site are 75 percent losers who cant confront people so they have to complain about there lives and they have to call out people on urbandictionary.com.....absoulutley pitiful

"Yo you couldn't survive in the real world man like me your rich preppy crap"

"Oh shutup you live in New Canaan 2 your in the same boat im in, if you think your so "real" lets stick your ass in harlem for a day or 2 and see how "real" you wanna be after that"

by Will everyone shut the hell up April 16, 2005

59👍 46👎

new zigger

A New Zealander who believes his ethnicity to be African when it is not.

I would not be CJ's friend if he were a new zigger.

by iknowswhatimtalkinbout April 24, 2006

24👍 14👎


A terrorist/freedom fighting/ guerrilla organisation in Northern Ireland that seek Irish reunification

The New IRA are a remix of the old IRAs (Official and Provisional) but without popular support like last time

by Сейдж August 1, 2023

making the news

Something worthy (or not worthy) to be talked about and/or repeated.

My date on Friday night with Richard is definetly making the news.

I can't believe she was telling me about what kind of shoes her boyfriend got; that shouldn't even be making the news.

by cfuptown July 19, 2005

News echo

A person who feels the need to share breaking news on social media, oblivious to the fact that we’re already on social media and have our own news feeds.

Marcia is a consistent news echo, she must not have worked out that we already know about her posts of redundancy.

by Useyournoggin November 3, 2019

New Jersey

the only state where you can drive 80 mph on a 55 mph highway and still have people pissed at you

person driving next to you in New Jersey: *gives middle finger* fuck you!

you: *gives middle finger back* fuck you too!

by jjsabs November 2, 2017