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the united states of america

A federation of heavily tied states that was invented by a group of people known as "the founding fathers" for the purpose of evading taxes with the goal of "Manifest destiny". Similar to the nazis "Final solution" which referred to the state-sponsored genocide of the jewish people and was seen as the answer to the "Jewish question" manifest destiny was seen as inevitable and necessary and included the unsubstantiated and dangerous belief of inherent superiority of white Americans over the native Americans and eventually in the end, the native Hawaiians. In more modern and recent history the united states of America broke its promise to secure freedom of speech in an attempt to prevent workers from having more power and say in how the economy should be ran along with placing weapons of mass destruction in eastern europe starting a cold war and eventually getting into other wars from the famous Vietnam war to proxy wars like that in afghanistan. said proxy wars are responsible for many problems today such as the brutal taliban. a clan of terrorists which descended from a terror group funded by the united states. (for the sake of owning the commies of course.)

Oh no. The united states of America are escalating tensions again. we might lose even more lives now!

by lolcatz_420iguess January 26, 2022

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ohio state university

one of the most arrogant universities in the world. known for rowdy, obnoxious fans, thug football players, and thinking they are special by putting the word 'THE' in front of their name. Also known for seeing how many kids they can cram onto their campus.

Dude 1: Why does Ohio State University have so many uneducated, drunk fans?

Dude 2: Because most of their fans are band-wagons that have little to no affiliation with the school what so ever.

by wnstni April 25, 2008

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The United States of America

A third world country dotted with first world cities.

Person 1: The United States of America is the greatest first world country to live in!

Person 2: Go outside any major city for 5 minutes then say that again.

by James R Clobum April 29, 2020

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State Championship Ring

The ring each member on a high school football team acquires when they win a State Championship.

Too bad for those rich kids on the Cape Elizabeth football team. No money in the world could buy them enough talent to win a State Championship Ring.

by MV-wanna-B February 26, 2011

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Oklahoma state bird

The Oklahoma state bird is the trailer house. They are usually spotted between march and june flying across the countryside.

We were driving down the highway when we saw the oklahoma state bird blocking all four lanes. Preeetttyyyy...

by puckdiesel87 June 16, 2009

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United States of America

Everything that's wrong with Western society can be found here: A country filled with ignorant, obese, gun-loving, xenophobic, brainwashed, Christian fools who don't know what freedom means despite shouting it around all day. If you don't believe me take a look at who they just elected as president


Dude just stfu

by just_a_normal_dude April 2, 2017

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Ohio State University

An institution dedicated to producing employees for companies owned by graduates of The University of Michigan.

Being accepted to Ohio State University requires filling out an application.

by Chito Sanchez September 5, 2007

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