The act of going all around the internet (particularly on sites like Chatroulette and Omegle) on a desperate quest to see some titallage.
Chat roulette convo:
Girl: "you're cute. you're not titty trolling, are you?"
Guy: "well.. I was gonna see if you'd show me your tatas."
When you give feedback to someone is a passive-aggressive way, often using sarcasm to put the point across. Very often in a way you wouldn't talk to someone in the street unless they are of diminutive stature. The end game though is to encourage a change of behaviours or procedures rather than just an act of cuntism.
It's about time someone said something, he may have sounded harsh but at least constructive trolling gets the point across.
Playing the victim or otherwise ‘doing the right thing’ in a confrontation, but you damn well know you’re stirring the pot, and egging on the other person to get them irate. Typically a high road troll busts out the camera mid argument and records the other person screaming and yelling, but not what lead up to it. They respond calm and collective with zingers to get the other person more fired up. They’ll say after the fact they felt threatened and hurt, but didn’t walked away from the situation.
Karen was totally out of line, but the man recording was being a highroad troll to get her fired up for the content. He kept calm, but he new what he was doing.
A wifi that pretends to be Perfect but loads forever
Person: yo y dafuq is this taking forever to load
Friend: Uhh? the wifi says perfect
Person: wait a minute... FUCKING TROLL-FI
The act of logging into an online role-playing environment with the express intention of annoying role playing geeks and possibly making them cry.
Robero the Valiant: Good day villager, perhaps you could direct us to the nearest Ale House?
Villager NPC: Sure, go right down this path...
Gandarb: I kill the villager, scalp him, and hand the bloody scalp to Robero.
Robero the Valiant: (out of character) Wat r u doing!?!1
Gandarb: What, that's what my character would do!
Robero the Valiant: (out of character) You're Troll Playing!
Facebook Troll
(Trollus familiarus)
A friend or family member who posts immediately on your status updates with the desire to make you look like an idiot. They may well think they are doing you a favor, and they are. Showing everyone they are the true idiot
Clark(status update)
Happy hour 4-7 at Haabs is legit, 2 dollar shrimp cocktails
20 hours ago via Email · · Like ·
Anna(comment) ur cashed in life
^^ Facebook Troll
FB trolls are nobody's friend
Public Trolls : people who go out in public to protest and/or picket any charitable, worthwhile, and/or progressive cause in order to try to distract from the real public outrage and genuine cause for public concern and to discredit actual topics and their proponents.
Public Trolls are the kind of people who picket funerals, Occupy Wall Street Protests, and any political rally for progress, I.E. Tea Party, Westboro Baptist Church, Limbaugh's Losers, Karl's Kretins.