Source Code


A letter used in online handles when said name is already taken in order to be able to still use the name without adding several different numbers or extra letters that would otherwise confuse the person. Let's face it, when it comes to simple things like remembering your new online account, you really don't want to have to remember 32443278916 just because some other cock suppering whore stole Dan_the_man... although if thats your email (and I'm sorry if it offends you) but you're not really emailing anyone anyways...

Xdan_the_manX writes: hey
jimmy writes: what's with the X's?
Xdan_the_manX writes: some jerk stole dan_the_man and I wouldn't remember the numbers that follow my name, I can barely remember my own password
jimmy writes: wow dude, that's pathetic.
Xdan_the_manX writes: stfu dick
Xdan_the_manX writes: hello?
Xdan_the_manX writes:where'd you go?

by j-j-j-james brown May 20, 2008

11πŸ‘ 528πŸ‘Ž

Vaccine X

The label for the unnamed and unapproved half-baked coronavirus vaccine by Indian firm Biological E, which has shown β€œpromising results” in the first two phases, and which will be available for use in the next few months, with or without WHO’s approval.

The BJP government has so much faith in Vaccine X that it has made a $206m order for 300 million doses, compared to 350 million doses from both Covishield and Covaxin, the two WHO-unapproved vaccines currently in use.

by MathPlus June 4, 2021

72πŸ‘ 130πŸ‘Ž


You say all these names that X-Box should have been called... make up your mind, pindickhead.

Sony Roolz's mom's name is X-Crap.

by Republican Nazi September 29, 2003

13πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž

Orate x pugs x whoz x invest x lil gamer x everyone else lol

A day where everyone in the apoc community turns gay and have some rough sexual intercourse. Common slangs used in this day is "hop on crim" or "hop on apoc". This day can only be celebrated at December 2nd.

"Happy Orate x pugs x whoz x invest x lil gamer x everyone else lol everyone!"
"You too! wanna hop on crim?"

by pussy nigga balls November 29, 2021

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Chemical X

A complete awkward moment/situation/person in the past that you want to erase from your mind because of the sheer embarrassment of it all.

"He is such a Chemical X for me."
"I was at the shop and I saw ____, it was like Chemical X!"

by Erialcx February 4, 2010

11πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

Stock X

They sell fake sneakers, don't buy anything from there.

Guy 1: Hey dude look at these new shoes I got!
Guy 2: Oh shit, those look nice! Where you get them from?
Guy 1: Oh, I got them from Stock X
Guy 2: you..you said what?
Guy 1: I said I got them from Stock X.
Guy 2: You're fucking stupid.

by Anonymous, ok? May 17, 2022

4πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

x to c

alternate pronounciation of ectsacy

yo i got some x to c

by ant-tony January 11, 2010

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž