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mile high deuce

A bowel movement taken on an airplane

After eating a bean burrito at the airport, Jimmy joined the mile high deuce club on his fifteen hour flight from LAX to Sydney.

by jdiggity83 June 30, 2023

mile high guy

Similar to the mile high club. The mile high guy is a guy who masturbates on a plane

During his flight to Ohio, John became a mile high guy in the plane lavatory.

by Folsomdude March 19, 2021

high-knocktane fuel

Supposedly premium gas that is actually just crappy-a** petrol that causes your engine to run really rough and lack power.

I wonder if the real reason that the dude who was driving the Hot Rod Lincoln experienced a lot of piston-pinging after his race with the Cadillac was that he was using high-knocktane fuel, rather than his simply having run his engine too hard.

by QuacksO September 23, 2019

Coosa Central High School

A high school where there's fights that break water fountains with the persons head, teachers arrested during class, teacher/coach affairs, boys who put fishhooks on their hats, moldy lunch food, constant drug tests, and principles condoning drug use as long as YOU are growing it.

Person 1: "Did you hear about that big fight?"
Person 2: "Yeah...that's Coosa Central High School kids for you."

by bro.idk January 30, 2021

Shaker Jr High

a school where kids are judged of looking a certain way, acting a certain way, having mental illnesses and are told to kill themselves. a school where the popular think they are privileged and the whole administration treats them as so too. a school where the popular kids get always with everything. a school where the “non-popular” kids are mistreated by the kids and administrators. a school where kids are told to kill themselves and come pretty close to too, then get made fun of for it. a school that literally does nothing to protect the kids and only care about money

“im being threated”
“okay we will talk to those kids

3 weeks later

“mom the school didn’t do anything”

“of course they didn’t it’s shaker jr high, why would they”

by ananonymouskidfromshaker January 16, 2020

high concept ship

A striking and succinct concept for a ship.

A relationship and presumed chemistry so immediately magnetic it'll make you quote sk8ter boi: "can I make it any more obvious?"

Zutara is a high concept ship: a fire nation prince meets the girl from the water tribe.

by lena danvers February 5, 2019

Stockdale High School

The most diverse school in Bakersfield, California. Filled with e-boys and e-girls, jocks, druggies, asians, a police officer that cheated on their wife for a school counselor, and the popular kids that peak in high school. Kids from here either become really successful and go to their dream university or become losers that stay in Bakersfield to smoke pot everyday and work a 9-5 job. They’re also very culturally inclusive and LGBTQ+ supportive. They love the BLM movement and not a lot of racists go to this school.

I love and hate stockdale high school at the same time. It’s just filled with a bunch of weirdos

by Godlystaff June 17, 2020