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Riley Lawson (Gay with a tiny cock)

Think he's a dilf, but he's not
He's really ugly and annoying and his cock is 1cm
He also get's absolutely no bitches whatsoever and is horny 24/7

Riley Lawson (Gay with a tiny cock): Damn my cock is so big!
Anyone: You wish riley lawson you piece of shit kys

by ur mum's sneaky link April 6, 2022

What time do gay people go to sleep?

The answer is 11:00 p.m. If you go to bed then you are ๐Ÿณ๏ธ ๐ŸŒˆ Happy Pride ig

What time do gay people go to sleep?
Lilli: Im going to bed.

Amelia: Omg itโ€™s 11:00
Lilli: What?

Amelia: The time the gays go to sleep
Lilli: Omg

by Hottie Amelia June 2, 2022

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

This dude is Gay

Dude be the big gay.

This Dude is gay.

by negative62_flop01 November 5, 2018

Sum Yun Gai

The typical asian man (some young guy)
slim,about 15-16 years old not higher than 5,50.

Person A:"Dude whats that white stuff"
Person B:"its cream of Sum Yun Gai"

by TheAsian13 August 23, 2019

Ur caveman a gay man

The upmost destructive insult ever made by man. Every time this word is said angels fall from above and the sun gets a mile closer to earth.

Frank- ur mom gay lol
Gary- ur caveman a gay man
Frank-*erased from existence and the earth gets hotter

by Darkman142 March 28, 2018

critical gay

A disease which slowly rotts the frontal lobe. This disease can be caused from many incidents such as not saying "no homo" after accidently making eye contact at yo homie for longer than 5 seconds, unironicly dabbing, laughing at minions memes, and much more!

mike: i caught my friend dabbing unironicly today
sam: he must have critical gay!

by no-homo-bruh69 May 31, 2018

LA gay

The gayest of gays. An LA gay loves fashion, music and entertainment above all other gays. They are usually wannabe actors and dancers *temporarily* bartending, Uber driving and making porn until they are finally discovered for their "talents". Typically shallow, they are always looking for the next best thing and only care about you if your're rich. They also love coke, G, and sun.

Stephen, an LA gay, ditched is boyfriend Jason upon discovering Richard has a BMW and an annual pass to Disneyland.

Brian: Where can I find some coke and G?

Greg: Ask the LA gays in their oversized sunglasses over there.

Mike decided to stop being an LA gay after taking some science and math classes.

by The gayteacher November 23, 2020