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Hug Plus One

The concept of getting an erection during a hug. Creepy when one hugs a girl, gay when one hugs a guy, may on occasion (read: in pornography) have a happy ending.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Cut down on the PDA, man. I don't want your hug to become a hug plus one!

by Wonderwalrus June 15, 2009


When your parents or someone you don't like wants to give you a hug, you give them a sideways or sloppy hug while you continue to walk.

Similar to a hit-n-run, only in hug form.

"My mom wanted a hug but i was in a bad mood so i gave her a hug-n-run."

"Dude that girl just gave me a hug-n-run, what the hell is her problem?"

by kaleah<3cory June 21, 2009

Hug a Bitch Day

October 17 is Hug a Bitch day. This day is used to appreciate all the bitches.

“Why did you hug Kennedy and Lauren?”
Oh you didn’t know? It’s Hug a Bitch Day!”

by Lolawashere October 23, 2019

Best Friend Hug

The type of hug you can only give to a best friend. Usually given when you haven't him/her in a long time.

"And then we're gonna find our best friend Doug and then we're gonna give him a best friend hug."

by DJPremiere January 2, 2016

5 finger hug

a hand job

frank just gave me a 5 finger hug

by roodfruit March 14, 2010

11👍 2👎

Hug Height Ratio

The difference between the heights two people in a hug. The height difference between two partners should be between 3-5 inches, give or take. This allows for the shorter of the two to rest their head on the shoulder (3" or less) or somewhere in their partner's chest (5" or more), thus creating the perfect hug height ratio.

"Man, it's like impossible for me to give Emily a decent hug, we're the same height!"

"Well, maybe you should find a girl that fits the Hug Height Ratio."

by yourstrulyJCruz September 3, 2011

23👍 6👎

Amanda Hug and Kiss

"A man to HUG and Kiss" Get it? Say Amanda hug and kiss a few times.

Hey whats your name? Amanda..Amanda who? Amanda Hugg and Kiss? HAHHAHAHA (Amanda Hug and Kiss= a man to hug and kiss)

by fbwejlnf April 8, 2009

40👍 13👎