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The Scattering of water and feces particles caused by defecating in a lavatory.

Watch out for that public poo-splash, you will catch some of them herpies.

by Wobbe January 20, 2009

The Terrible Poos

Similar to the "Terrible Twos" a specific period of time when raising a child that every parent hates. It occurs when their child is big enough to have adult sized shits that stink to high hell, but when they are still too young and too uncoordinated enough so the parents still need to wipe their ass.

Holy shit, Little George just took a huge dump. So I had to go in there to wipe his ass.

I can't wait until his arms are long enough and the Terrible Poos phase is over!

by GoCtotheB January 27, 2017

Poo Stalling

Being a very revolutionary concept, Poo Stalling is when one holds in their poo for the sole purpose pooping later when an undesirable event comes up that the poo-carrier would rather not attend. Poo Stalling causes every attendee to wait on the individual who chooses to poo at the time of the event, causing them to be anxious, mad, or even outright anal (if you will). Fortunately, pooping is a practice that can deter any suspicion as to why the one Poo Stalling showed up late, or didn't show up at all. Poo Stalling is a valuable and strategic art. It can be the final solution when circumstances seem daunting. Poo Stalling can even save lives.

Hilary had to attend a lame forum but luckily by Poo Stalling she was able to miss half the lecture and avoid any overly-concerning questions by her peers.

by Schnazzle G January 31, 2016

poo pips

Another name for dangleberries. When pieces o'shite get caught in your butt hair. Also, another name for this person can be pippin.

adam: "your mum has dirty poo pips...pippin!!"

by Mr Snipzy May 14, 2008

stinky poo

u have a free pass to poop on your neighbor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :))))

Hey I gonna poo on you
Its stinky poo day

by Angelinja poo November 1, 2019

blossom poo


P1-Geez man don't go in there I just did a Blossom poo
P2-Yup I can smell it

by HwDangerouswomen August 24, 2017


The hand-locks employed on the wayward or kicking legs of a toddler when changing a nappy/diaper.

"Look out!! He's kicking!! He could kick that poo!! Quick! Subdue him with poo-jitsu!!"

by burning log July 27, 2009