Source Code

wasian ninja

a wasian who is a ninja, this wasian is trained im many martial art styles and can kill with one good punch. Being a hybrid of both white and asian the wasian ninja is both smart and strong. If you cant see the wasian ninja then you may only be seconds away from dying.

I Andrew Li and my Wasian companion Ian King are both Wasian Ninjas.

by andrew li May 7, 2007

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Wood Ninja

A guy who very gracefully tries to grab another guys dong. Usually because he has hidden homosexual feelings, but sometimes just because he is a dumbass.

Eric is such a wood ninja.

by ElectricBananaMan September 2, 2009

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Ninja Spank

The art of kicking, booting, or stomping on a females face when you have immense hate for her.

"Dude, Jazemine Sandwich eater just broke up with me so I'm totally gonna Ninja Spank her all night."

by Charles Dickenson June 11, 2006

43๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

ninja bomb

To Fart in ones hand and hold it, sneak up behind somebody and throw it in their face.

Robert ninja bombed Chris as he was getting his nipple pinched by the other Chris.

by Yu, Yu, Su September 28, 2006

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Ninja Porno

A sex tap made by a sneaky friend. It's usually a low-quality film captured by a cell phone.

Guy 1: Man, did you see that girl I brought home from the bar last night? I slayed her on your couch.

Guy 2: Yeah, I made a ninja porno of you with my Iphone.

by double d indy December 11, 2009

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Fuckin Ninja

An exclamtion used upon completion of a particulary skillful or stealthy activity.

Paul "Dude! How did you manage to sneak past those cops?"


by Thuggernaught November 11, 2009

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Computer Ninja

A virus or trojan that has a specific way to enter your computer, mostly likely by you being an idiot and clicking on advertisements. However, you have not clicked anything strange and yet the virus is in your computer.

"Aw man, I have another computer ninja! How did I get that? I've been away for a week!"

by Hedgehog Review October 5, 2009

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