Chloe. They are the best person you could ever know. They’re sweet and caring, you could never hate them. She is just a best friend you would love to have.
the hottest person in the world. Especially if she has hazel eyes and dark hair. Everyone is attracted to her, everyone. She’s so fine. Not only is she smokin hot but she’s the most hilarious person you will ever meet and is definitely smarter than you. She may seem like an idiot but she’s actually a genius so watch out.
The sex symbol of our generation. She will steal your heart and break it if you’re not careful ;)
Dude am I high or is that a goddess?
Both. It’s Chloe.
Chloe’s are the best people you will meet in ur life. She is short but feisty. Chloe’s are beautiful in multiple ways and love their sports. They are also very good in bed. Chloe’s will ride you until your hips break, and don’t understand estimate the head game. If you find a Chloe keep her and don’t let any other male take over. You will regret loosing her.
Guy: “Who’s that short hot babe”
Her friend: “that’s Chloe!”
A really pretty girl that normally has a lot of popularitie always does the right thing at school and is a kind person. She is very athletic and funny. She is and animal lover and would be someone that Peter on in life would be a good soulmate.
Chloe is my role model
This girl is obsessed with cats,she only talks about cats absolutely loves doing homework and reading books,is actually quite intelligent.
Chloe is well me she’s not that good tbh
She cry’s all the time because she misses “him “and she wished she had said “bye I love u” one more time but no he took him away before I could and I makes me sad because he was the only one who made her feel like she belonged here and now she feels like she doesn’t belong so now she just spends her time wondering if she’ll ever see him again in a other life but all I can say is that I hate 11-13-20 because that’s the day u left me without saying bye :(. and the worst part is you were the only one who didn’t judge me for who I was and now all I fell is sad,judged and not wanted.
has an unhealthy obsession with itadori yuji 🤨🤨🤨
“hey look it’s chloe!”
“you know, the girl who has an unhealthy obsession with itadori yuji and judges stefanie the most amazing person on the plant who can sing, dance, act, do flips, walk on a tight rope, model, etc.