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skeet depository

A female with countless sexual partners so that her vagina becomes the default depository for loads (pun intended) of cum

That p2p girl is known as Houston's skeet depository

by Houston Gentleman August 9, 2018

Aqua Skeet Skeet

these 4 bitches from mobile,al you know who you are

Damn, did you see aqua skeet skeet and the gang man dem hoes is stuck up.

by coollikedat August 20, 2009


The term "skeeted" is frequently heard on the "Skeeter Jean" YouTube channel. They uses this expression to predators who have been busted in the act of getting cupcakes!

Skeet Hansen - "You just got skeeted!"

40 year old man - "Awh man.."

by July 9, 2024


To get caught by the Chris Hansen impersonator known as Skeeter Jean (aka Skeet Hansen), who operateson YouTube with a group of pred catchers known as the "predatorial investigations unit"

"...i just wanted to let you know that I am Skeet Hansen, and I am with the predatorial investigations unitand we are doing an investigation on adults who meet minors online for sex, and you have just been skeeted"

by 3minem August 10, 2024


The action of being found out to be a pedophil. This is usuelly used by skeeter jean.

I just wanna let you know that you have been skeeted

by M.A.P hater August 9, 2024


When you get caught by Skeet Hanson. The persona of the YouTuber Skeeter Jean who catcher predators like Chris Hanson hence the name Skeet Hanson which is a combo of Skeet Jean and Chris Hanson

A pedo just got caught by Skeet Hanson and is in cuffs

Skeet Hanson: I'm Skeet Hanson with the predatorial investigation unit and you have been skeeted.

by WilllovesJoshhutcherson July 13, 2024


To be caught in 4k trying to have sex with a minor.
Term often used by Skeeter Jean on the "to skeet a predator" show.
The word is used as a way to make fun of the situation and to humiliate the alleged predator.
Safe to say, if you are ever in a situation where you can be skeeted, you should probably reevaluate your life choices.

Skeet Hansen: So do you have any other questions?
Predator: I swear man this is my first time I will never do this again you have my word
Skeet Hansen: Well in that case, my name is Skeet Hansen I am with the predatorial investigation unit, we are currently doing an online series about adults who try to meet up with minors, and you have been skeeted.

by EYAL5555 September 18, 2023