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Los Angeles

Ok so where do I start? Los Angeles is the greatest place on Earth to me. This is the place that my parents chosed to come to America. They have made no regrets about it. It is diverse and feels like home. Being a Chinese American, I can honestly say that I have not lost touch with my culture because of Los Angeles. It may be sprawling and smoggy, but I still love it. I love the perfect weather and the blue skies. I love the breeze, especially in the summer. I love sitting on the beach watching the sun set over the horizon. I love the diversity of the people and the culture. Best of all, I love Mexican food. The Mexicans here are very nice and hardworking people once you get to know them. Their culture is so wonderful and fascinating. There are plenty of Hispanic/Mexican culture here in L.A. Ok fine, LA might not be what you see on TV like The Hills, Melrose Place, 90210, but what I like about it is that its not the most perfect city like what you see on television. Nevertheless, its still a wonderful city with many great things to do. Another thing I love about L.A is its diverse land and geography. We have hills, mountains, coasts, valleys, and deserts. You can go surfing on the beach one day and in the next hour, you can play in the snow up on the mountains. We have almost all the climate that is suitable for anyone. On the coast, it is very cool but the more inland you go, the hotter it gets.

I love Los Angeles!

Los Angeles is the city that is loved by many others.

by chinapride4ever June 16, 2011

11πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Snow Angel

When a male climaxes into his own two cupped hands and blows the semen into his significant other's face.

Peter: So how was your night with Alisha?
David: Amazing. I totally made her a Snow Angel

Peter: Damn, lucky. Taylor would never let me do that to her.

by baefcukerotototot December 14, 2014

11πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Spike and Angel

One great Pairing also known as Angelus and spike (when angel goes bad) they bicker with each other pretend they hate each other but secretly they like each other, and not in the sexual way as many S/A fans think ... Angel sired spike along with Drusilla (long story) anyways they are connected and kind of related in that way so em basically there 2 hot sexy vamps with souls.

see Angel and Spike too.

Spike: You are soooo stupid angel honestly

Angel : this coming from captin peroxide?

Spike: Bloody ponce

Angel : we are trully hot

Spike : that we are .... that we are

by Thatgirlwhoisinlovewithvampiresyehher September 4, 2004

15πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Angel Of Mercy

1. Industry Term.
-The act of a power company offering weaker companies a decent offer, but if they refused they would run them into bankruptcy, then cheaply buy up their assets at auction. The Angel Of Mercy sees himself as the industry’s savior, absorbing the weak and making the industry as a whole stronger, more efficient, and more competitive.

2. A serial Killer.
-The Angel Of Mercy is often in a position of power and decides if the victim would be better off if they no longer lived. This person then uses their knowledge to manufacture the death of the victim. As time goes on, this behavior escalates to encapsulate the healthy and the easily treated.

1. John D. Rockefeller was the "Angel Of Mercy" of his time.

2. The latest serial killer is known as an Angel of Mercy.

by CAMP45 January 30, 2011

13πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Dark Angel

An amazing internet personality. He is really smart and talented.

All the girls love dark angel.

by mxre March 19, 2005

31πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž

Angels and Airwaves

Good band. Keeps some old punk style, but now focuses on inspiration. Tom thinks he can change the world with his album. Songs are 5-7 minutes, which are quite long.

Some people call them emo, but I wouldnt say that. They borrow nothing from the former emo trends and they have created their own genre.

Person1: Blink 182 is good! Angels and Airwaves (AVA) SUCKS! SO EMO!
Person2: Blink 182 was messed up with really sick humor and stuff. Its so gay. AVA ROX.
*Person 2 uses mind control device on Person 1*
Person1: Ohhh I get it now. AVA rox! Agreed.

by RevolutionsEnd September 29, 2006

57πŸ‘ 89πŸ‘Ž

angel kiss

(a term from the internet in Christian version)

When a guardian angel comforts a person.

"Whoever created that sexual term for angel kiss should be ashamed!", she said to her friend.

by The NewAgeRiseth April 20, 2005

57πŸ‘ 91πŸ‘Ž