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Elbow in the butter

When you are into the act of eating someone else’s asshole

Man, I didn’t realize that Justin was into having his elbow in the butter

by StaticAssEater June 13, 2019

Lucas Butters

His last name describes it all, His hair is dipped in melted butter twice per day giving it a smooth and slippery texture.

Man did you know that that the USA invaded Iraq because they found Lucas Butters hair dipping pot there,

by Volki July 15, 2018

Ear butter

When a voice is so smooth it is described as butter (but for your ears and not your mouth because it's sound and not food)

"damn dude, that guys voice is ear butter"

by Jeff Dunham October 27, 2017

Beaver Butter

The result of a woman's cum and a man's ejaculation mixed together after sexual relations.

"Babe, hand me a towel... I gotta wipe off all this Beaver Butter".

by Not_Your_Mother's_Butter December 31, 2022

nuttin butter

When giving a girl anal sex the coating that covers your penis

Hit it so hard from the back she covered me in nuttin butter

by jadis thourox November 13, 2016

Thick Butter

Melting a stick of butter cumming the in the butter freezing it then shoving it up someone’s ass

Man 1:Dude I did a thick butter with my girl last night

Man 2: Dude wtf is wrong with you see a therapist

by OpieLove January 17, 2023

Butter Tax

The "butter tax," is an England tradition that dates to 1942 or slightly before, wherein it is considered a polite practice or fairly common place to take (without asking) a small knob of butter, when you visit someone else's house in the Cheshire region of the UK. The practice stems from the mid second world war days, when if you visited or met up with a neighbour/friend it would be common practice to steal a personal amount of butter to use for your own means.

P1: "When you visited Elsa in Malpas, did you implement the butter tax?"
P2: " Yeah man, I took a decent 1/8oz of it. She had margarine too, but fuck that."

by Life-Form August 22, 2018