Source Code

college park

where they chop cars
In 20 grand spend a grand at the bar
The Residence Of Yung Joc (Where he stays)

Niggas in my face
damn near every day
aska million questions like Joc where you stay
tell 'em College Park
where they chop cars
In 20 grand spend a grand at the bar

by Parris September 29, 2006

96๐Ÿ‘ 159๐Ÿ‘Ž

Lynchburg College

A college in Lynchburg, VA. Known for their dorm room parties and such. One of the chillest places to reside in the 434. Known for hating Liberty and the huge LU that is on Chandlers Mountain. Oh yeah, one of the 40 schools on the lists that changes lives. For a good time on the week nights, students go to Walmart and Target to walk around. Is well known for Weenie Stand #1 where people can get the "best hotdogs in the world." Definitely one of the coolest places to chill. One of the few college campuses where you can smoke in the dorms.

Lynchburg College is basically the shit.

by Anonymouses December 3, 2007

39๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž

College Prowler

College guidebooks written "for students, by students" my ass. These books are outdated attempts of starting a business, but now are worthless for anyone entering college after year 2002 (the year they were written).

Y: We're out of toilet paper ...

M: No problem use my "new" college prowler book that has no factual relevancy.

by JAJA JIZZ November 7, 2006

18๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Lynchburg College

As a soon to be former student of Lynchburg College or LC, I just want to say that the school is not as bad as the other posts make it seem, although the only way you will feel that way is if you smoke weed...everyday, this will help to deal with the fag LAX Bros and the stuck up bitches who all seem to have super gay boyfriends

Joe- Hows college bro

Jack- what!?!? huh??

Joe- Dude whats wrong?

Jack- I'm brain dead from smoking everyday because Lynchburg College fuckin sucks

by W3ED H3AD October 18, 2009

36๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cerritos College

Ghetto-ass community college that is so broke and with no cute ppl (except for us).

If you are ugly you go to Cerritos College.

by C & B February 9, 2004

40๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž

Roanoke College

Roanoke College is a place for messed up rich white kids who like to drink and sport the popped collars of all colors, and not as the admissions office would say a diverse campus.

Roanoke College Underground fraterntities hold parties that consist of trashing chartered fraternity parties, and alumni weekend brochure does not mention anything about the Multi-cultural events on campus anywhere on it despite a promise made by the people in charge to include minority activity.

by Skylander79 May 23, 2006

66๐Ÿ‘ 106๐Ÿ‘Ž

boston college

An overrated overpriced college on the outskirts of Boston. The majority of students are incapable of creating their own thoughts and if confronted with a difficult question or disagreement will immediately revert to sputtering out approximations of their parents' or priests' opinions.

*I currently attend so this is written in pure frustration with no undertones of aggravation about failed admission or any other irrelevant grievance.

On a positive note: BC is possibly home to the most easily earned 4.0 gpa in the country....

You're sputtering out priests' opinions with little/no idea what you're saying so you would do well at Boston College.

by ihatebostoncollege September 7, 2009

63๐Ÿ‘ 101๐Ÿ‘Ž