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dollar dazed

When someone is prone to buying cheap items, though they have enough for more expensive ones. (route is from the store "dollar daze")

Annie: Hey joe, is Steff gonna rent the good dj from that club?
Joe: No she's too dollar dazed.

by Michael Findley August 21, 2007

dollar darla

A term used to call a woman that would do anything for a dollar...."Anything". Including bj's, hj's, aj's, and if you could afford it.....zj's. Darla is the original white girl name from the 60's into the 70's.

Anyone have a dollar? I heard there is sum Dollar Darlas around here

by Rollo21 February 16, 2016

Million Dollar Pie

1. When a hooker who usually is very expensive lets you fuck her for free.
2. When you use Cool Whip during oral sex

3. The most common pie that clowns throw at each other

Jake: Dude, I just had some million dollar pie with Amber last night!
Tim: Lucky! That chick practically stole my wallet last week.

Lisa: I thought you were usually grossed out by oral sex.
Janet: I am, but we had million dollar pie last night so it was kinda delicious.

by SexBot11111 August 9, 2011

small lone of a milion dollar

A word used by Trump

My father gived me an small lone of a milion dollar

by Man's Not dead December 22, 2017


This happens when every time you turn around, you're having to pay a hundred dollars.


by Bailmaninmo January 1, 2019

dollar day mary

Any girl named Mary who will, for a single dollar, give it up in a car on a side street.

A girl who will do random sex acts for cash in vehicles is called dollar day Mary

by Big C in FW March 12, 2014

five dollar piss

A five dollar piss is that piss you take when you've been holding it for a longgggggggggggg time. Usually after over 3 beers. It is a piss that felt as good as finding $5 on the ground. In other words, the pleasure you get from finally letting it go would be worth $5 if you could somehow pay someone for a similar sensation.

Generally had when there isn't a good place to pee in public, and you have to wait until you are in a bathroom or approach a wooded area.

Coincides with saying "arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahhhhhhhhhhh" when you finally do get to urinate.

Damn dude, I've had to piss since we started walking across this huge parking lot. I'ma go take a five dollar piss.

The line for the bathroom was so long, I ended up taking a five dollar piss when I finally got to the bathroom.

by RasJephizzle October 24, 2011