National Vangel day!!
National vangel day celebrates the connection between valentina and angel. TRUE LOVE!
what day is it?
February 14... WHY?
Give your valentine a card asking for a kiss
Person 1: "Oh its February 14th, you know what that means?"
Person 2: " Fine I'll ask her for a kiss"
The day when the best people were born. It's a special day because every year on this day someone get's diarrhoea.
- Omg, you've been in the toilet the whole day!!!
- What can I do? It's 13 February.
National kiss your girlfriend day
Mia:Hey its February 2 national kiss your girlfriend day!
Ermerson: oh right!!!!
"National Check Your Role-plays Day" go check all your pending plays that you haven't answered in months and if its the other person's turn go send them this ๐
Answer your god damn role-plays its February 2 jesus fucking christ ๐๐๐ฅฑ
February 2 is the day a gangsta was born. If you born on February 2 you fine as heck and know to do voodoo.
why she so gangsta, oh she born on February 2nd
why she so fine, oh because she belong to me
You tend to be a very crazy, uniqe, and insane person
Everyone else: "Why are you like this, your so weird. "
Feb 6 baby's: "What do you expect? I'm bornon February 6th."