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A shitty game created for virgins, most players will post their wins on SnapChat to even further the fact that they'll never get laid.

"DUDE last night I got like 12 kills in Fortnite! "

by djnixe July 3, 2018

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a fps shooter game that has developers that give no fuck to the players.

Epic games: "Adds B.R.U.T.E"
Players: Its too op can you remove it?
Epic Games: No, go and fuck yourself.
Fortnite is gay ;D

by autisticbertan August 13, 2019

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fortnite a game maost coomonly played by virgins wih no lives who have blue hair and still live in their mums basment

hey wannna paly fortnite

by hsw8adncdi September 27, 2018

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A popular and cancerous third party shooter game that makes the future generation more dumber than it was before.

If I hear one more person talk about Fortnite, I'm going to leave this planet.

by Commander8750 December 22, 2018

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A overrated game that is very popular game. No pay to win battle royal. Battle 100 people and try to be last one standing.

I play fortnite 24/7

by Pryme May 15, 2018

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A game that people who has no live plays

Friend: Wanna play a 24 hours challenge of Fortnite?
Me: Nah, thanks
Friend Die, potato.
Me: not today!

by smertieboi February 22, 2019

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A online game that many males play that women get very jealous of. It really shows that they mean jack ahit and they need to fuck off

Girl 1: Where’s your man?
Girl 2: He chose fortnite over me :(

by The truth shall be told March 27, 2018

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