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Ella fudge

ella fudge is the worst girl you will ever meet, she will act nice at first but then she becomes a nasty slut bag she is someone you won't wanna be with trust me take my advice and leave when you see her. We hope you don't meet an ella fudge. All other ellas are fine but if its ella fudge don't hang out with her

guy1: hey why is that ella fudge so mean

guy2:yah she is a bitch
guy1: to bad she was nice at first

by ammmmmmy November 10, 2019

Fudge Nugget

An insult; Commonly yelled or shouted; Mostly used because people are aggravated.

*friend waves at guy*
*guy looks at friend stupidly and ignores*

Friend: "You fudge nugget!! I see how it is now! Go die in a hole!!

by Bby Chicken December 21, 2016

Fudge Nuggets

To replace certain words used for cursing

Oh fudge nuggets, I left my cookies in the oven!

by Food's My Friend December 24, 2017

Fudge nugget

Somthing to say instead of cussing

Me:stubs to
Me "aw fudge nuggets"

by Sammyboi334 June 15, 2019

Fudge nugget

Somthing to say instead of cussing

Me:stubs to
Me "aw fudge nuggets"

by Sammyboi334 June 15, 2019

Fudge Nuggets

Its like a nice version of Fuck that i told my mum when she was about to say fuck and she didn't want to swear in front of me so Fudge Nuggets was the wod


by humnia December 7, 2022

Fudge Nuggets

When you put fudge on your nuggets; or used as slang.

Aw, fudge nuggets, I dropped my pencil!

I just made fudge nuggets.

by Nugggggets January 26, 2019