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Bee job

It's like a blow job but you stick your dick in a bee hive and you get a bee job

I'm going to go get a bee job from that bee hive at the park

by BeeMan47 January 13, 2017

Tim job

Tim job. Different from a timjob. A Tim job is when you wear only a tool belt and give a rim job while doing your best impersonation of Tim "The Toolman" Taylor's icon grunt.

Friend #1: Girl, my man gave me the best Tim job last night!

Friend #2: Really?!? I'm so jealous my man's grunt still needs work so I'm never fully satisfied when he gives me a Tim job.

by Psymon1116 September 21, 2018


The oral sex you find on Cinemax at 3:00 in the morning. It looks real sometimes, but most of the time you can tell that it is physically impossible.

I was watching Skinemax with my girl last night. The girl went down, but her nose was up by his bellybutton. It was a total feaux-job.

by Flights29 November 14, 2010

Burrito Job

its when you get a handjob with your dick in a burrito and the girl eats the burrito after you cum into it,
-true burrito job will have extra guac and be warm.

#singlelyfe #singlelyfe #singlelyfe #singlelyfe

Becky gave me the nastiest burrito job after school today, she even went home and ate it in front of her parents!

by jeever November 3, 2017

mouth job

Mouth-to-penis or mouth-to-vulva stimulation

That cum dumpster Barrett gives the best mouth jobs.

by John Henrique January 19, 2006

46๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


To use the knuckles of the hands of your partner as a kind of stimulant for the male genitalia. proper procedure would be to cross your wrists so that the back of your hands are facing one another and to rub your hands back and forth as if to be rolling pizza dough.

"yeah man you've never had a Knuckle-Job?"

by Jonathon AAA June 11, 2008

52๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

paw job

When an animal with paws, starts pawing at your penis/vagina. (sometimes you need to put a piece of yarn or string there so the animal will do it)

The kitty just have me a paw job.

by Kitty Lover December 12, 2007

86๐Ÿ‘ 76๐Ÿ‘Ž