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Keep On Running

Keep On Running - a metaphor to not ever give up and to keep moving forward in life. It is based on the concept that life is journey and in your journey is a personal race to successfully get to and cross the finish line of success and accomplishment. In the race of life are your trials, tribulations, setbacks, and struggles, and it is a marathon and not a sprint. Used in the writings of The RhymistGift and The Consummate Transitioner based on Aesop’s fable “The Tortoise and the Hare.”

Life is a race, and the only way to get to the finish line is to keep on running. Keep on running your race and do not ever stop until you have crossed the finish line. The tortoise was not the swiftest or the strongest, but he won the race, because he kept on running (did not give up) and crossed the finish line. Life is not fair or equal, but you can win your personal race, if you keep on running.

by The Rhymist Gift - CW July 10, 2021

Keep it core

To prioritize your fundamental values while facing a surplus of superficial distractions.

Ignore all that crust, let’s keep it core.

by Chivemiester22 August 9, 2021

keeping it os

O.S. stands for old school, so keeping it old school

Dad as he's making a margarita: "We're keeping it OS tonight!"
Everybody: "What?"

by Froggyss2 September 23, 2019

Keep his mouth shut

not say anything, especially not reveal a secret.

"would he keep his mouth shut under interrogation?"

by Arminkshipper August 5, 2024

Keep Calm And Carry On

Keep Calm and Carry On was a motivational poster produced by the British government in 1939 in preparation for World War II. The poster was intended to raise the morale of the British public, threatened with widely predicted mass air attacks on major cities.

I have a keep calm and carry on poster in my room

by HoiDAEn October 6, 2020

Keep Calm And Carry On

Keep Calm and Carry On was a motivational poster produced by the British government in 1939 in preparation for World War II. The poster was intended to raise the morale of the British public, threatened with widely predicted mass air attacks on major cities

I have a keep calm and carry on poster in my room

by HoiDAEn October 6, 2020

keep renegade

Something a huge dykey cunt drives

Look at that dude. He probably drives a keep renegade

by Jeep March 28, 2023