Extremely short legs usually 3 ft and usually carried by a 14 Yr old who lives in Kamloops British Columbia.
Kingston legs is so short
London Legs is similar to the term "Sea-Legs" in a way that you are able to stand on London's public transport without stumbling constantly.
Rachel: Hey Kris, see that tourist, he obviously hasn't got his London legs yet.
Kris: Oh yeah!
Chicken legs is normally used to insult someone such as the school Thot Liv burdon
"Liv why have you got chicken legs?"
Refers to someone whose been shot in the leg and still run for cover with the disabled leg. In Chicago, it's called Jimmy legs
Head Ice (Battle Rapper from Harlem used it against K Shine) " Real killers aint gotta givem a dead kit, you can already tell how their leg twitch"
To take someone ankles and drag them into a dark room, usually done as a prank to someone afraid of the dark.
Drag his leg man
Nooo!!! I'm scared of the dark
drag leg sucks
Cloud at your legs mean you are rising high, above the earth, on top the common and conventional, standing high up looking down clearly, gaining high level advantage where the low can’t , as if you are walking on cloud......a rising star
His business has sky rocketed , is like he is walking with cloud at legs 😬