Source Code

let's hang out soon

A phrase that one says when they truly do not have any intentions of hanging out with the person. One will say this and the other will usually agree, and most times neither of them will try and make plans with the other, resulting in the repetition of this phrase in the future.

Distant Friend 1: "Hey, long time no talk! Let's hang out soon! I miss you!"
Distant Friend 2: "Oh yeah, definitely! Call me sometime!

- 2 months later -

Distant Friend 2: "Hey man, we still haven't hung out. What's up with that?"
Distant Friend 1: "Oh I know, let's hang out soon!"

by briii23 December 29, 2011

84πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

let Fluffy off the leash


Walking away from the group, he thought it was safe to let Fluffy off the leash.

by imageworld July 3, 2010

13πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

to let one's hair down

In general: to leave behind one's inhibitions or to behave in a way that is free from social limitations or any code of conduct.

(to let one's hair down)
Corrine Bailey Rae, Song:
Put your records on
Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song
You go ahead, let your hair down
Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,
Just go ahead, let your hair down.

by Pentametrics July 27, 2008

33πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Let sleeping dogs lie.

-Prov: Don't be a trouble maker ,let the fuck alone it's gunna beget trouble.
-To not talk about things which have caused problems in the past, or to not try to change a situation because you might cause problems.

Jill: Should I ask the boss if he's upset at my coming in late in the mornings?
Jane: If he hasn't said anything about it, just let sleeping dogs lie. I thought I would ask Jill if she wanted me to pay her back right away, but then I decided to let sleeping dogs lie.

by aCh79 August 3, 2011

51πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

let's go imposter round

when you are playing among us and you are crewmate or imposter. usually anthony says this.

"Let's go imposter round!!!"

by bjayberookkyn November 27, 2020

Let’s split up gang

Something said by idiots in horror movies

Fred: Let’s split up gang
Everyone: BRUH

by Sub to Red Cultist May 29, 2021

let the cat out of the bag

(v.) To accidentaly expose secret information one was privy to, forfeiting the entire "game".

Who let the cat out of the bag to that bitch I was using her for business connections?

by Gumba Gumba May 20, 2004

84πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž