Kai's are weirdos and they watch you sleep at night and tickle your leg hairs and eat big bananas
Kais are weird
kai a smelly nazi indian male with nice hair. Very mean, rude and loves making fun of people. Not a very nice person!!
The absolute best boyfriend, best friend, and human any person would be lucky to have him in their life. He's super caring, endearing, and hilarious--even in the absolute WORST situations-- for better or for worse he puts everyone before himself and I love him.
Happy birthday Kai :)
Probably has at least 10 fake mental illnesses and wanks at the back of public buses
Kai- are you ok
Guy- not really my nan just got stabbed
Kai - well at least you don't have skitsofrenic depression and haven't slept in 6 weeks
Guy- fuck off kai. I literally saw you molesting a child on the bus
Some introvert weeb who does nothing but cosplay. They hate life, and have like 4 friends.
Person A: "That person sitting alone is acting like a Kai today.... LET'S GO ANNOY THEM SHQWWEYDGWEUDG"
Kai ( me ): uHSIWGED@GDOU@DHEUFhOF Pls kill me
A show off who think he’s cool and funny but I a very stupid and …. Yea
a mean person who makes fun of you for chewing pens. thats it kai, rawr
"ugh stop chewing pens"
oh you're such a kai