Source Code

power glide

when one dude places his tongue on one terminal of a 6V battery and another dude places his on the other while they simultaneously stroke eachothers cocks to complete the connection.

Alex, dont go downstairs. Jimmy and Jason are in a dimly lit corner performing a power glide.

by Jayshwan June 23, 2010

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power hour

A drinking game that means taking a shot of beer every minute for one hour which, using math, means drinking 5 beers in an hour. Greatly aided by using the program iPowerHour to use music to time the event.

"Dude, let's do a power hour and then hit the Grand - we'll be rollin' SO HARD!"

by Strykrstoppa February 3, 2008

83๐Ÿ‘ 87๐Ÿ‘Ž

white power

Often said by white supremacists, i.e. KKK members or neo-nazis/skinheads.

White guy yells out white power at a KKK rally, everyone cheers. If a white guy yells it out in the 'hood', he can expect to get FUCKED UP.

by matejovsky November 5, 2005

666๐Ÿ‘ 816๐Ÿ‘Ž

mexican powers

the ability to hop fences, mow lawns, and do ther mexican things.

this fence is so small getting over is like having mexican powers.

by Dr.Clos the Third December 16, 2010

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Infinite Power

The action of poop-showering for an infinite time

Hey mom, I gotta take a infinite power.

by Onedictionaryboi November 5, 2018

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power weapon

a weapon that can kill in one to two shots in a video game. commonly used by noobs.


J Daxton: Wow i just killed you one hit!!!
Kevin: Omg what a power weapon slut.

by sinfulscorn October 12, 2010

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The Power Of Goodbye

In my humble opinion, The Power Of Goodbye is Madonna's most powerful song, Released from her 1998 Ray Of Light album, it is usually forgotten in the shadow (no pun intended) of the 1st single, Ray of Light.

Her music video is stark and surreal. And it does feature some hunk from ER so yes, is appealing to both male and female demographics.

You were my lesson, I had to learn, I was your fortess, you had to burn

Pain is a warning that something's wrong
(lyrics from The Power Of Goodbye)

by SS. December 24, 2006

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