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Salty Toboggan

When you cum in your girl's face, near the stairs, so she falls over and you ride her down the stairs like a toboggan

Bro, I totally pulled a salty toboggan on my girl last night. GG.

by Lord of Lag October 18, 2014

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Salty eye

When you blow your load in the eyes of your partner

Oh, I was with ...insert name.... The other day it got freaky and I gave them salty eye

by Burtthebasher October 11, 2018

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salty lagoon

In the act of sexual intercourse genitalia becomes dry and lubricated. with the application of ones tears, you than acquire the necessary lube to continue. A.K.A a crymax.

when i went to your moms house your dad left and she was crying so i suggested we try the salty lagoon.

by Toffifee March 19, 2009

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salty corn

A penis after it's been in more than 5 vaginitises

Bob:Damn my dick was so salty after fucking that whole sorority

Pete:I wish I had salty corn but I can't get over 3

by Saltycornlover109 April 28, 2017

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salty benevolence

The good deed of sharing male ejaculate with a worthy female partner in an act of the purest charity.

Bill: Dude I came all over Angie's tits and she loved it.
Matt: She sees the true beauty of your salty benevolence

by murphquake August 21, 2009

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salty ass nigga

A nigga that's jealous and can't get what he wants and/or a person who just got dissed.

Shawn: Man why does he get free tickets and I don't.
Cody: Man, why do you have to act like a salty ass nigga!

by theeloyalkid123 April 29, 2014

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Salty Chocolate Milk

n.- The hot, frothy, and often times gritty, doo doo water and sperm mixture explosion that erupts from the anus succeeding a night of tacos, beer, and anal sex.

Steve - "Last night was tacos and anal night at the house, my wife even drank the salty chocolate milk afterwards!"

John - "Gross"

by Chunk Norris August 18, 2012