When you get horny from hearing of someone else's sexual interactions
I got Second Hand Horniness when hearing about Jacob's girlfriend
when a sober person pretends to be drunk or acts stupid among drunk people
is that guy drunk?
no, it's just second hand drinking
The liquid that comes out of your ass after the first cup of coffee
“Dude I’m about to go brew some serious second hand coffee”
Definition - The rare occurrence of a male having a second full orgasm seconds after having the first one while in intercourse or oral sex.
Discovered in 1903 by American scientist studying how sex affects the body. The occurrences is very rare, only 1 out of a million can achieve it. Believed to be genetic.
Guy 1 - I was banging Morgan last night, and after I nutted I had a second one right after that was even bigger and better!
Guy 2 - Dude you achieved the Legendary Second Nut !
Refers to something that is very thin.
Nancy's hair is two seconds thick.
Falling asleep on public transportation.
“Sorry I’m late, I took a 60 second vacation and missed my stop.”
When a sports team goes into the first half of the game strong and goes to shit during the second half
The Raptors have some pretty bad second half syndrome, did you see them against the wizards?