The mysterious murky liquid that appears on the skin on Stevie (especially on the face, neck, arms, back, butt, and gental regions) shortly after the slightest of physical exertion. This liquid is known to be highly toxic and must be avoided at all cost. Despite this, females seem to be highly attracted to the liquid.
It was 20 degrees out, yet some how, 10 steps into the run, the sidewalk is already drenched in Stevie Sweat.
Clothing made of sweatshirt material with a zipper (referred to as a sweat jacket sometimes).
The sweat you got from a sweater in the heat.
Guy 1: It’s fucking hot in here dude.
Guy 2: Well take off your sweater you shitbag!
Guy 1: Dude, I got sweater sweat!
Guy 2: Nice.
Vet sweat is juice let loose while with a women in a nurse costume, or an actual nurse uniform. Often comes right after she "works on you."
"Aww baby, your getting vet sweat everywhere!"
When people pull their socks over their sweatpants thus creating socks over sweats. People like this tend to have large penises
Did you see Kyle today, he had his socks over sweats
A scheduled activity in which two or more short and unhealthy men get together on a weekly basis for sexual contact. The activity is usually associated with small social circles online that receive very little attention. Weekly sweats usually take place in gym saunas, which is why those who attend weekly sweats will not see an improvement in fitness while claiming to regularly go to the gym.
Man 1: "Hey are you coming to the weekly sweat?"
Man 2: "You know I never miss a good sweat!"