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Guy Him

To beat or to prepare to beat the shit out of someone.

"And so this guy comes up to me at Wendy's talking shit, I have my Corona in one hand and proceed to Guy Him with my free hand."

by thatNigg April 16, 2015

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mr guy

Mr guy is the guy everyone aspires to be

Wheres Q?
Hes off being mr guy

by ___Mr. Guy___ April 17, 2018

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guy bailey

Coolest bro in the history of bros.

The best bro I've ever had was a total Guy Bailey.

by VoltronPrime May 8, 2015

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Guy Bear

Someone who is super sweet, loving, and makes you smile. Your first instinct should be to want to hug them for hours. :)

Girl: Awww, look at that Guy Bear. I have an irresistible urge to just cuddle him. :P

by whyohwhy December 21, 2010

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guy hunting

The act of a girl hunting for a guy for highly selfish reasons. Done to acquire a "boy-toy", possibly potential boyfriends, or just a new friend ;). Best remedy for any break up. Usually done by girls, in groups of no more than three. Definitely a good alternative to a simple girl's night out. Equipment include, leggings to accentuate the size of the ass, a cute shirt, and just looking like a sexy bitch for the night. Guy hunting can take place anywhere, preferably with a pretty high population of straight males.

Friend 1: Let's go guy hunting tonight. Single life rocks.
Friend 2: YES! Let's go find hot guys.

by s0seductive November 12, 2011

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guy polar

This is a mental disorder in which you are unable to decide who to like. You switch who you like as frequently as you change your underwear. Although it may not bother those with the disorder (unless they have had it for a long time) it is very irritating to those around them.

Carol: So, who do you like?
Cait: John.

Cait: or maybe Paul.

Cait: Actually, I think I like Matt.

by ohsnapiknowyou09 March 9, 2007

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The Bucket Guy

A hobo zombie living on the streets of roblox in random games that vary.

Person 1: oh is that The Bucket Guy?
Person 2: no its just another noob
Person 1: bruh
Bucket guy: wut

by Bucketism October 24, 2019

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