A text message that someone only sends so they can call you when you reply, because now they know your phone is in your hand.
I don’t want to reply to her yet, she always text traps me. Why do we need a 5 minute phone call about something I ALREADY ANSWERED IN MY TEXT?!
Don’t matter if it’s snapchat or texting it’s still toilet texting.
You’re totally toilet texting me!
A long series of texts sent in rapid succession, usually about a dramatic or sad topic.
"David just sent me a text opera. I think something must have happened between him and his partner."
When no matter how long or interesting a text or subject matter the male texter presents, the female texter responds with timid responses.
man dat bitch be toriumi texting me
During the initial stage of a relationship with a narcissist, they employ (love bombing) to seduce their victims. One manner in which they do this is to Text-Raid them. Text Raiding is the incessant, frequent and constant texts that narcissists send to their partners, in the beginning of a relationship, in order to reel them in and ensnare them in the relationship. Once the target/partner is secured, the love bombing stops as do the text raids.
Jon was so busy attending to the text-raid sent by his new girlfriend, that he did not even look up when his friends entered the bar.
When you receive a bunch of texts from someone and you reply with a one word answer, essentially blowing them off so that they stop texting you.
Is that all you have to say to me? I sent you all these heartfelt texts and you give me a one word text?? Are you giving me the text curb??
A means to call in sick by using a cell phone.
Leonard text in sick again today he doesn't have the the guts to talk directley to the boss.