Rich people who move into, and ruin, a lower/middle class part of town or neighborhood. They move in and open up vanity boutiques and salons and useless foodie restaurant, while displacing residents and businesses that were there for years and years before them.
This used to be a cool neighborhood until all the rich raff moved in and made it unaffordable to live here anymore/
"Rich Life" is a clothing company created by designer/ entrepreneur Philly Nicks (Philip Nicholas Juan) in 2013.
"Rich Life" is now available in over 200 retail locations
A High-End clothing line, Created for the new money, care-free mentality, as they like to call Street-Luxury.
"Does it look like I give a shit, My Rich Life clothes, you couldnt afford this!"
When someone has an unhealthy urge to spend an excessive amount of money in order to unnecessarily compete with his/her comrades for a minimal PC power increase.
Wow, are you really upgrading to a 5950x? Do you have rich wanker syndrome?
Humorous term for someone's suddenly acquiring such a vast quantity of one or more desirable items that he feels like he's standing in the one single empty space in that child's "fifteen puzzle" sliding-tiles game, where you can only move one numbered block at a time... in other words, he's totally surrounded by enormous heaps of goodies, but he has absolutely zero “wiggle room” --- i.e., empty space in any direction --- to actually work with or process said newfound bounty. It'd be like if he’d meekly “asked around” to see if anyone had any scrap lumber, and then multitudes of people hastily converged on his property and generously heaped his entire yard so full of boards, beams, and plywood that he couldn't even walk out of his front door, or if a local home/business-owner who was “downsizing” had offered him an entire shed full of either huge bulging bags of returnables or pallets shrink-wrap-stacked to the ceiling with some of his favorite canned good or household items, but the building was so tightly crammed that there was only barely room to open the door a couple feet, thus preventing him from actually entering the shed and sorting through said windfall; in both cases he would be obliged to timidly "pick at the edges" of the mountain, tediously removing the items literally one-by-one.
Two classic examples of someone’s feeling “too rich to move” would be:
(1) if someone presented him with a huge 3-ring binder that was opened out flat, and the “presenter” had unthinkingly loaded BOTH “halves” of said binder with sheets “right up to the tops of the rings”, so that now the book’s unfortunate recipient could not actually turn any of the pages or even close the cover; he would therefore be obliged to procure another similar-sized binder and then carefully transfer half of the “overflowing” tome’s pages over into this second empty binder, so he could then peruse the work’s text a page at a time, or
(2) someone unfamiliar with how magnetic-tape players or film-projectors function had naively spliced two completely-filled reels of tape/film together, spindled the humongous spools onto a portable tape-deck or projector, and then proudly presented said “loaded-up ‘n’ ready” unit to another person, never realizing that said speechlessly-unnerved recipient would not be able to play said material "as-is", since there would literally be “nowhere for the strip of media to go” once it started rolling.
When a person of low financial ability, usually due to poor self control, laziness and/or all out pure stupidity, comes into large sum of money (Example: "Income tax refund, accident settlement, inheritance, etc.") and lives like a King/Queen for a short period of time. Spending the money on crap they do not need nor can normally afford, instead of saving the money or paying of debts like a responsible adult would do.
This term is most used to define those who live in the "Ghetto" or otherwise known as the poor area of town. The people most referred to by this term are the following: 1. Mothers who have 3+ children with ADD (All Different Daddies) who live off child support and the government welfare system, drug addicts, alcoholics , etc.
Damn girl friend, your ghetto rich for a minute. (misuse of the word "your" was intentional.)
That b*tch got his settlement from that accident. He Ghetto Rich now and be broke as a b*tch next week.