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A very loyal, amazing guy. Can always make you laugh and makes your bad days good and your boring days fun. He loves sports. He Has pretty eyes and a pretty face. Patrick is smart and funny, he can tell if you lie. He’s caring and polite and likes to have a good time. A+ boyfriend material

Finna marry Patrick

by AshTheAnnoyingHomie June 13, 2020


Patrick wears his heart on his sleeve a natural humanitarian at best. You could travel all threw the galaxies and never find another. No man could compete or compare or ever be so rare. Those who are privileged to know him are blessed. He's the sexiest man alive and the one who makes my heart skip a beat. But does he love me or does he love me not?

Patrick is a true King

by His Milika September 20, 2022


A cool and smart guy, awesome to talk to and chill with. Being in a hard class with him, he's too smart to let the others get curves.

"Our class average got Patrick'd to the point where there are 0 curves."

by thepilymorph December 6, 2023


A Patrick is an absolute asshole. He will cheat on you and he will act petty over nothing. Do not date a Patrick because all he does is make creepy jokes and talk about gruesome things like it's okay.

Guy 1: Did you hear about Patrick's girlfriend?
Guy 2: Yeah she broke up with him
Guy 1: Finally, good for her.

by InternetAuntie June 6, 2020


Patrick is often bisexual and enjoys men's company as he fumbles the bag with girls. He is under a dry spell and is often ignored when he tries to talk in a group setting. This will soon be ended by an Alice or 'hey mamas' lesbian trying to be adventurous. On holiday Patrick enjoys long walks on the beach in his socks and sandals. When he needs suncream for his pasty skin, he can retrieve it from one of his 50 pockets in his cream cargo shorts (three quarter length ofc). He loves the green and can't hack the soup (the drinking ability of a 14-year-old girl).

"You're such a Patrick"
"Shut the fuck up, I feel sick"

by Paddycakes420 November 25, 2021


Jew, small cock huge nose. Likes cowgirls

Here comes Patrick look at that nose he could smell buttpussy from a mile away

by DoctorDickRespect December 30, 2022


Someone who loves himself yet says he wants to die, awesome is their favorite word, eats to much candy and cookies that it becomes a problem, usually has curly hair and obsessed with ships that make no sense.

Wow Patrick feel better about yourself!

by Dxjfxxfxf November 14, 2017