Source Code

Cunt Wars

An actual online RPG game where u fight other opponents and collect bitches

Seriously look up Cunt Wars

by Dubiks January 22, 2019

8πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

drug wars

GAME: Usually played by Peruvians on their PalmPilots. Players are usually masquerading as ecological tour guides. Most players appreciate "cheap ludes!"

Pedro loved DrugWars, he played it every day.

Pedro loved the cheap ludes.

Pedro was arrested in the rainforest for selling drugs.

Pedro clearly liked DrugWars more than he let on to.

by LimasFinest August 25, 2004

14πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

golf war

The hot new golf simulations from CrapTec that often shows up in misspelled google searches for "gulf war", whose titles eerily reflect the situations of the actual gulf wars.

Try Golf War and Golf War II: Sand Trap today!

by supaDISC March 20, 2005

14πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

War crime

A war crime is when you do a crime that makes you war and cum

Mark:hey did you see that new Bella Delphene song

Matt:yeah that’s song was a war crime

by Spitslayer June 18, 2020

14πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

War Paint

When your fingers accidentally start your girl's period and you quickly wipe it across her face screaming, "You can take our land, but you can never take our Freedom! "

I was fingering my girl and she started on my hand. So I gave her War Paint.

by jumperborne June 19, 2014

13πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Iraq war

An opportunity for companies like Blackwater and KBR to make a killing, in however way you want to interpret that.

It actually isn't a war, since former President Bush declared "mission accomplished" on day 89/90 of his lease on the military. Now it has turned into a "rebuilding effort," or a more appropriate term could be damage control.

Now here's the trick that the U.S had up its sleeve all along: they didn't want Iraq to be "democratic," or whatever that's suposed to mean. They wanted to take over Iraq for its potential in the sand business. Yes, I promise you, the sand business.

You might say that's lunacy, but what else makes sense?

You see, if the Americans take back the Holy Sands, which was prized by all in the Middle Ages, they can build the biggest fucking sandecastle in the world.

This will be used to imprison all so-called "terrorists," but more importantly, it will be used to compensate for America's... eh... problem.

Just like the average American civilian's stockload of compensating tools called "guns," the world's biggest fuckign sand castle ever will represent a giant penis.

Just like Manifest Destiny, Sandifest Destiny will be a wet dream come true for Americans and mutated lizards (Dick Cheney) alike.

Person 1- Hey, how's the Iraq war going?

Person 2- Pretty good, I started chafing a little after a while, but I toughed it out.

American husband- Honey, you know what we need behind all of the assault rifles and power tools? An Iraq war.

by DefinatelynotJeremyA February 14, 2010

39πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž

Iraq war

A war which was started in ernest to attempt to contain the possiblity of a terroist threat wether the threat was real or not is unknown to much of the people in th U.S. and U.K. a few good things came out of it such as a dictator going out of power and the people of iraq gaining the chance to get out of the dark ages which theocracy and horrible fanatisim kept most of the people in shackles of both fear and lack of trust (due to the fanatic muslims giveing the rest a bad rep) but has caused much more bad than good due to the dominate super power (the united states of america) losing its credability and reputation amongst other nations and the global media capitalising on that this has cost the american people much. with the loss of the reputation we have been blamed for outrageous and over exagerated events. and our people have been the unjust target of prejuduce when our government should be takeing the heat. and for those of you who hate america you should know that we have no voice in government as we cannot elect our leaders...thats right the people who actualy vote for the president are not bound by our peoples choice

forign man: fuck america there nothing but war-mongering bitches you all started iraq war!
American: actualy our government did
:forign man: you american fucks are the government you fucking dick sucking terroist!
American: do you even know how our government works?
forign man:..you suck!
American:soooo... i take it thats a no?
forign man: i hope all of you have another 9/11!
American: we have no say in our government. what little we had was all but destroyed by the patriot act. so why are you blameing us?
forign man:...(try's to form a logical argument...fails)

by theseekeroftruth October 11, 2007

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