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Indy Rock

A genre of music associated with bands on the independent scene; otherwise, not on major lable. Some popular Indy lables are Sub-Pop and Saddle-Creek.

The Desaparecidos, Cursive, Kind of Like Spitting

by Stupid Mop August 7, 2003

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dome rocked

1. to get hit in the head
2. a very good blow job

1. you just got dome rocked!
2. That girl dome rocked me last night.

by gerberakaem November 16, 2007

18๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. loud music coming from above or upstairs.
2. a person who jumps but falls.
3. an object that falls from above you.

1.) Griff: "I hate living in this apartment, that guy's sky-rock is driving me crazy!"

2.) Charles: "Did you just see that guy sky-rock?"

3.) Ross: "Woah! That sky-rock almost hit my head!"

by J Do May 29, 2008

18๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Classic Rock

Possibly the greatest genre of music of our time. Most influential and innovential music that makes every genre look completely helpless, rapping about having sex with some fat black bitch in an alley way. Classic Rock is a genre that is a mixture of awesome backround music and genious lyrics that takes true talent and a love for good music.

Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Queen, Kansas, Fleetwood Mac, America, Eric Clapton, The Cars, Lynard Skynard, Guns 'n' Roses, ZZ Top, etc....

by MissBarry February 8, 2005

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alum rock

The hood of all hoods

Yo lets go av a session down the rock (alum rock)

by Holmezzzzz April 29, 2007

66๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

White rocked

v. Being propositioned by a swinger couple. The etimology of the phrase white rock comes from the urban legend that a house with decorative white rocks in the front is a signal that it is occupied by active swingers, and an open invitation. (see also, swing set)

I can't believe Steven and Josephine white rocked us at the party last night!

by Bloggernaut June 14, 2010

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Butt rock

A genre of rock music that has had different meanings over time, but which generally describes bands who meet the following criteria:

1. The music is driven primarily by power chords, and focuses less on complexity and musical talent and more on radio-friendliness and the emotional impact it has on listeners. As such, butt rock has never been a hit with critics, but it has always enjoyed mainstream popularity.

2. The songs fit into one of two molds -- hard-rocking tracks designed to get the crowd pumped and "rocking out," or slower power ballads that are meant to attract female fans. Both types of songs are best played in an arena, which is why they are popular at pro wrestling events.

3. The subject matter of the lyrics tends to be about kicking ass, getting laid, auto racing, hedonism, and other "manly" subjects. Rebellion is also a common theme, with authority figures like cops, teachers, and parents all being portrayed as not understanding their needs. The exception is the aforementioned power ballads, which are often about loss, love, drug abuse, and other, "heavier" subjects. The lyrics in both types of songs are often misogynistic, with women portrayed as either sex objects, harpies, or home-wreckers.

4. The fanbase tends to be frat boys and working-class men between the ages of 16 and 40.

In the '80s, butt rock was used to describe the mainstream hair metal bands that were popular on MTV, such as Twisted Sister, Motley Crue, Whitesnake, Scorpions, and Poison. This type of music was popular from the early-mid '80s through the first years of the '90s, when it was driven out by grunge. In the late '90s, butt rock made a comeback in the form of post-grunge. Bands like Creed, Nickelback, Hinder, Staind, Puddle of Mudd, Daughtry, and others came to dominate the modern rock radio charts. These bands had similar music to the above-mentioned hair bands, but wrapped it in a radio-friendly grunge flavoring. This type of rock music has persisted in popularity into the present day.

The name "butt rock" has a few possible origins. First, in the 1980s, the musicians in many hair metal bands often dressed in a "glam" style, wearing tight pants that would accentuate their butts. (This may also be the origin of the term "cock rock," which has the same connotations, as the tight pants would also accentuate the musicians' crotches.) A less flattering origin for the name is that the lead singers of these bands sounded like they were singing out of their asses. Finally, the term can generally mean that the music sounds like ass.

Dude, turn off that butt rock. We're not at the gym.

by TheRedRedKroovy August 29, 2009

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