You think it's a lot of money, but trump think otherwise
Caleb: I just won $1000000
Trump: That's A really small loan... That's Trump change skrub
The 2 trillion released to the public during the coronavirus outbreak.
I wish I could buy toilet paper. At least I will when I get my Trump change.
When you pay a lot of money for something
Hey we just spent $95 on food for this business meeting. Oh yeah, that’s just Trump Change...
When something is very costly or expensive.
Sure, buy the whole building, it's only Trump change
Money from the Covid-19 Stimulus Package provided by the Trump Administration to buy people’s vote
“Yo’ man u get that Trump Change?”
“Yeah bro imma go buy me an Iphone XR”
A fierce warrior. Part of the Wazowskism lore. He is a mighty 6ft dinosaur and is part of the Tricky Triangle of Wazowski’s handymen.
That guy needs a good old teaching from Chang Lee
When your girlfriend has been on mad one for days and her voice has finally given. So now you can finally be brave and wind her up properly , as there is no consequence for you current self, but for you future self, of whom you empathize but self destructively cannot save, much like your partners voice.
Shut up with that spare change voice. I didn't care then , and I don't now , setal petal. If you want to use your mouth you can Nosh us off like a good crackhead, as your ears are sick of your own voice box, and that's why it's cut out.
And I swear if your spastic ass hits me one more time, you will Mr Tumble down those stairs.
(Clap between syllables towards her towards the end to add in a little phizaz women love it)