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anal lick

when big daddy sticks his big tonge in your ass


by Bigdaddy 696969669669696999669 February 25, 2016

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anal nozzle

A penis, especialy a homosexual's.

He inserted hisanal nozzleuphill gardener style

by analnozzles February 12, 2007

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anal queefs

when the fart is so soft it’s like a queef from ur butt

β€œdid u just fart during sex?” β€œwhat no! how could u? u know i have anal queefs sometimes.”

by carbonatedcumslut March 11, 2021

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anal canoeist

One who enagages in the art of bum fun.

Hey man, I gotta tell you. Last night I became an anal canoeist.

by Spextacles June 2, 2007

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anal cakes


Oh man, I just made some horrible anal cakes. Don't go in the bathroom!

by Burger70 February 24, 2010

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anal armageddon

When your stomach is upset, and you have gambled on a fart and lost, but you still have more inside of you, so you sit down to poop and in one second your blow everything out of your butthole making a stew. Afterwards you go to wipe and realize that you have cut your butt on a piece of poopcorn or a hard edge of stool. There is blood and poop on the seat, rim, floor, hand, underwear, pants and the chair you were sitting in prior. That my friend is anal Armageddon.

Never go through life without a poop plan incase Anal Armageddon strikes.

by Zerodawn January 1, 2017

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anal alcohol

Putting alcohol up your ass to have a fun ass night and no hangover later

"I hate hangovers"
"Just do anal alcohol!"

by Ladyi/tstreetsfreaki/tsheets November 22, 2013

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