X-Men: First Class is a 2011 American superhero film directed by Matthew Vaughn and produced by Bryan Singer, based on the X-Men characters appearing in Marvel Comics. The fifth installment in the X-Men series, the film acts as a prequel for the original X-Men trilogy, being set primarily in 1962 during the Cuban Missile Crisis. It focuses on the relationship between Charles Xavier (Professor X) and Erik Lensherr (Magneto), and the origin of their groupsโthe X-Men and the Brotherhood of Mutants, respectively. The film stars James McAvoy as Xavier and Michael Fassbender as Lensherr, leading an ensemble cast that includes Kevin Bacon, January Jones, Rose Byrne, Jennifer Lawrence, Zoรซ Kravitz, Nicholas Hoult and Lucas Till.
X-Men: First Class (2011)
Erik Lehnsherr: Excuse me, I'm Erik Lehnsherr.
Professor Charles Xavier: Charles Xavier.
Logan: Go fuck yourself.
Erik Lehnsherr: (before Charles uses Cerebro for the first time) What an adorable lab rat you make, Charles.
Professor Charles Xavier: Don't spoil this for me, Erik.
Erik Lehnsherr: I've been a lab rat. I know when I see one.
(about the Class going into action)
Professor Charles Xavier: They're just kids...
Erik Lehnsherr: No, they WERE kids. Shaw has his army, we need ours.
Erik Lehnsherr: (Shaw's mind is frozen by Charles) If you're in there, I'd like you to know that I agree with every word you said. We are the future. But, unfortunately, you killed my mother. This is what we're gonna do.
Professor Charles Xavier: No. Please, Erik, no.
Erik Lehnsherr: I am going to count to three and I'm going to move the coin. One.
(moves the coin at Shaw's head)
Professor Charles Xavier: Please, Erik.
Erik Lehnsherr: Two. Three.
(Magneto halts the missile barrage and directs it upon the fleet)
Professor Charles Xavier: Erik, you said yourself we're the better men. This is the time to prove it. There are thousands of men on those ships who are just following orders.
Erik Lehnsherr: I've been at the mercy of men just following orders. Never again.
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1. Obtaining your first high
Most people do not get high on their first few times smoking marijuana after you have obtained your first high you are now on your way up in the ranks.
2. Being present at a drug deal
A friend needs some sticky icky, to move to the second level in this 10 level trip to greatness you need to be in the same room with a drug dealer and his/her buyer and witness the transaction occur.
3. Scoring your own weed
At this point you feel like your a badass, your not, but its alright. to move to level three you need to have obtained both a dealers phone number and have purchased some green from them.
4. Buying your first smoking device (usually a pipe)
to enter level four you need to purchase a smoking device, a rough estimate that about 75% of people purchase a pipe at this point some ignore rules and jump to further levels like little fucknuggets, but its all good.
5. The first time you smoke by yourself
this is by far the level that sepperates the boys from the men, this level weeds(no pun intended) out the pussies who just smoke to look cool and the true future masters of the weed world.
ayo i bought my own weed im the shit!
no, no your not, u obviously know nothing about The first 5 levels of pot smoking
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A day where byler fans (Will Byersx Mike Wheeler) can post many tiktok edits of them loving each other
Billy: Hey man itโs July First-National Byler day you gotta post that edit you made
Sam: Oh yeah man didnโt even realize doing it right now
10๐ 2๐
Oftenly used when one person implies something sexual or something that sounds sexual. Could also be used when someone touches an intimate body part like the ass or tits, this could be an accident or on purpose.
Diego: *Trips and accidentally touches ass*
Julia: Wow, at least buy me a drink first.
In the beginning there was nothing, there was a dark void of emptiness and nothing existed. Then we were blessed with the holy entity known as kevin. On the first day he formed the universe as we know it while on LSD. On the second day he carved the very earth we call our home. The almighty created land and seas covered it with a diverse wildlife and vegetation, He created the human being, some smart some retarded, some sexy some ugly, some chill some annoying. The lord used his limitless genius to create the perfect balance in the human being. But most importantly of all he blessed us all with Godโs greatest gifts on the third day. On the third day, we were humbly gifted with substances that could cause miracles, some even describe them as magic. The almighty creator gave us cannabis, hash, cocaine, LSD, aderalls, molly, percs and many more. Kevin selflessly sacrificed hours to perfect nicotine and every drug known to man and we mere mortals will ever be thankful for the humble sacrifices he has made to benefit mankind. The world was a beautiful place, where everyone praised Kevin for all he had done, until he had realised he had made the humans too powerful.
The First Testament of the Holy Kevinist Faith is a text written by Saint Axel to have a written trace of kevinism for years to come
When a Facebook user trolls the person that insisted they were the first to comment on a public photo
Someone writes "First!!!", a comment later "First To Comment, Last To Get Laid".
12๐ 3๐
A person who lacks almost compelete skills at video games
My friend is so lame at video games, they can't even get past the 1st level of Super Mario Bros!
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