When you screw yourself over in a video game. The term was coined by YouTuber Charriii5 in his video "Mario Kart 64: The Redemption (w/ Nathaniel Bandy)"
(Playing Mario Kart)
Gamer #1: (throws green shell)
Green Shell: (bounces off wall back at Gamer #1)
Gamer #1: DAMN IT!
Gamer #2: What?
Gamer #1: I just insta-cucked myself
Well, I wouldn’t have said it like that but ok...
Hym “That would have been a good clip. ‘I’m a sarcastic cuck!’ I really need to invest in some video editing softwares. But yeah, I’m sure getting paid by a billionaire to do a less-good job than me is great.”
A half pint of Miller Lite with a Jameson shot.
Take like an Irish Car Bomb.
Must be a Cuck.
You guys ready for a Cuck Bomb?
The stare of someone who gets bitched by there significant other
Jake glassberg in Val’s profile pick has a masterful cuck stare