Source Code

freaky eater

A fReAkY eAtEr Is SuMoNe wHo tAkEs An EaTiNg hAbIt tO aN eXtReMe

jj virgin: A fReAkY eAtEr Is SuMoNe wHo tAkEs An EaTiNg hAbIt tO aN eXtReMe

by that_one_guy_on_the_internet September 30, 2020

snail eater

a French person

stupid snail eaters annoy me

by Kinorama February 23, 2023

Rock Eater

To be a rock eater, you need 3 things:

1. A Subaru car (SUV, Preferably)

2. Friends with benefits partner
3. American Eagle Wardrobe

Ian: Yo Jack how them rocks tastin'?
Jack: Amazing, Igneous rocks just went in season. You know I'm a serious Rock Eater.
Ian: Make sure you drop me some off.
Jack: Will do, I have to keep them away from my ugly dog anyways.
Alban: Leave brothaaaa

by Subterra July 9, 2021

Uglyass KFC eater basketbal Nigger

A controversial term used to refer to lobby players. This term specifically denotes individuals involved in the game. It is important to note that the usage of this term can vary in acceptance and connotation depending on the context and the preferences of individuals within the niggas community. While some may perceive it as a lighthearted or affectionate term, others may find it inappropriate or offensive. It is crucial to exercise sensitivity and respect when employing this term and to be aware of the diverse perspectives and preferences of those involved in the hood.

racist white boy: wadup my nigga?
black monkey: *don't have a father figure*

other black monkey: hey tht's not cool!
racist white boy: shut up u Uglyass KFC eater basketbal Nigger

by AChillBlackDude May 31, 2023

Subway eater


“What sexuality are you?”
“Oh, I’m a subway eater!”

by Cloudzuwu April 21, 2021

cheek eater

When an individual eats a sandwich with runny condiments down the middle causing them to have saucy streaks along their cheeks.
Also, a person lacking proper eating etiquette.

Tommy wants his friend to come over but his mother says no because he’s a cheek eater

by TheRealSniper April 12, 2023

Sweetcorn eater

Arse licker

John is a complete sweetcorn eater

by Christoph UK. September 2, 2022