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Most of the people who call themselves “emo” and attention seek are fakes. A real emo is someone who is very sensitive and overreacts to things.

Emos also either heavily express themselves through music, art, writing and many more things OR like me they hide their emotions and feelings because people judge them and they are shy.

Just because you self harm doesn’t mean you are emo and vice versa.

by Albo_alex_III October 28, 2017


Emo stands for emotional hardcore, and started with bands like Rites of Spring in the 1980s. It then dipoed in popularity until bands like Dashboard Confessional and Fall Out Boy re-invented emo into subgenres like emo-pop amd indie-emo. It does not mean cutting, being depressed or gay.

The main reason emos self-harm is because they are bullied by haters.

by Flaming Rubies August 23, 2015


Music based. Listens to MCR, Ptv, fir, fob, p!atd and other stuff NOT MOTHER MOTHER AND ASHNIKKO

Sometimes the happiest ppl because they can get out their emotions through music

I think I’m emo.

by L4wli3t March 15, 2022


1. An insult for someone who complains.
2. A generalization for someone with long, dark hair, usually parted on the side and covering one eye.
3. An insult for someone who listens to post-hardcore music.
4. A generalization for someone who has a tendency to self-harm. Whether for attention or otherwise.
5. A genre of music; Emocore.
6. A widely misunderstood term.

1. Guy 1: "Today's been so hard, people won't stop yelling at me and I didn't even do anything!"
Guy 2: "Quit whining, emo fag."
2. Tom has long black hair, he must be emo!
3. Tom listens to a song and there's a guy screaming. He must be an emo fag!
4. Tom has scars on his arms, he's such an emo fag!
5. Bands such as LoveHateHero are Emocore.

by JackyM16 July 6, 2011


Emo (pronounced /ˈiːmoʊ/) is a style of rock music typically characterized by melodic musicianship and expressive, often confessional lyrics. It originated in the mid-1980s hardcore punk movement of Washington, D.C., where it was known as "emotional hardcore" or "emocore" and pioneered by bands such as Rites of Spring and Embrace. As the style was echoed by contemporary American punk bands, its sound and meaning shifted and changed, blending with pop punk and indie rock and encapsulated in the early 1990s by groups such as Jawbreaker and Sunny Day Real Estate. By the mid 1990s numerous emo acts emerged from the Midwestern and Central United States, and several independent record labels began to specialize in the style.

Emo has been criticized for its androcentrism and the tendency of most emo bands to relegate women to the role of muse or heartbreaker in their lyrics

Jimmy Eat World
Ehsanul Emo Mahmud/ DashBoard Confessionals
Panic At a Disco

by Words&Pages November 3, 2009


An emo is what’s hanging from the fucking ceiling

Emo people who are depressed and listen to emo bands

by _pro_definitions_i_cant_spell1 November 18, 2018


1) Not quite goth, not quite gay. A whining sorry excuse for a human being.
2) Some form of amphibian excrement you step on near a body of water.

I just slipped in that emo back there. I will have to wipe my feet.

by jacobite45 January 9, 2012